I'm not sure where to put this but I want to put it somewhere in the world besides in my brain, where it is sure to be forgotten.
I can do 6 chin-ups inarowallthewaydown
AND 5 pull-ups!
see what I did there? # of Ys and # of As ;)
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Can I have yo Number?
|\|um83r5 highlight:
- 142lbs pre-workout
- Trapbar DL 215lbs x 10
- 140lbs post-workout
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Stopping by to say HI
Hello! Friends?
Just a quick memo for myself:
It was not my day for cleaning yesterday. Was scheduled to do 3x5 @ 105, 110, 115 and completely failed at 110. 105 was a strugs too. Everything just felt off and non-explosive.
BUT! New trap-bar deadlift progress! 3x8-8-14 @ 170, 180, 190! I wanted to do more reps but the trainer made me stop :/ He's holding back on me! But I'm excited for next week's deadlifts and possibly breaking 200!
Just a quick memo for myself:
It was not my day for cleaning yesterday. Was scheduled to do 3x5 @ 105, 110, 115 and completely failed at 110. 105 was a strugs too. Everything just felt off and non-explosive.
BUT! New trap-bar deadlift progress! 3x8-8-14 @ 170, 180, 190! I wanted to do more reps but the trainer made me stop :/ He's holding back on me! But I'm excited for next week's deadlifts and possibly breaking 200!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
It was my last week at Boyles... but I signed on for the spring! Thanks for the suggestion Annalisa! It's gonna be an in-season twice a week program from next week to June 1st. yay group discounts!
Monday & Wednesday lifts were okay, I feel like I've stopped improving. This might be because I haven't exercised on the other days of the week due to my increase of life organizational activities (eg. cleaning the house, moving soon! & coursera online class about business strats)
I'm too lazy to post the workouts but this "Renewed!" post has been in the drafts since Tuesday so yeah. I'm continuing to the spring season of Boyles! Oh yeah, and reffing should start up soon. Check out my journal of that adventure at gottarefemall.wordpress.com
:) ,
ps. Food: too good to be true. Mom's daily dinner's are soon to be a thing of the past :(
Monday & Wednesday lifts were okay, I feel like I've stopped improving. This might be because I haven't exercised on the other days of the week due to my increase of life organizational activities (eg. cleaning the house, moving soon! & coursera online class about business strats)
I'm too lazy to post the workouts but this "Renewed!" post has been in the drafts since Tuesday so yeah. I'm continuing to the spring season of Boyles! Oh yeah, and reffing should start up soon. Check out my journal of that adventure at gottarefemall.wordpress.com
:) ,
ps. Food: too good to be true. Mom's daily dinner's are soon to be a thing of the past :(
Friday, March 8, 2013
I have made such amazing never-before-seen-in-Emhsieh progress with Boyles' winter program that I might continue w their spring session after a few helpful nudges (Annalisa). But we'll see. I'm about 80% sure that I'll keep boyles-ing after next week (the last week!).
Lunch Friday, Dinner Wednesday, Dinner Thursday
Wed 3/6 Boyles
Thurs 3/7 Bike hill plus program
Wednesday at the gym:
Roll, knee exercises, jumps, dynamic warmup etc.
Warmup circuit:
3 x 6 2-feet hurdle jumps, stick last landing
3 x 6 2-feet hurdle jumps, stick last landing
2 x 5 each leg wall ball on ground sprint start, drive w front leg & drive hips to thrust ball forward
3 x 5 snatches (55,55,60)
2 x 10 single leg step in-line cable lift (inside leg on tall step, lift cable while exploding off inside leg in 1 motion)
2 x 15sec spiderman stretch
3 x 10-10-14 bench WITH CHAINS (30# chains + 2.5# each side)
3 x 6-9-6 RFE split squat (80, 80, 80#)
3 x 10 TRX row
3 x Turf (100m?) farmers carry (70, 80, 70#)
3 x 8 lateral lunges (35#)
5 x 150m shuttles (25m x 6) :28 :29 :31 :33 :31 ...I think were my times. not sure
Thursday at the office gym:
All the treadmills were taken again so I biked "Hill Plus"
The program was diff from last time, dunno why.
10min warmup
Get to 10miles biked (at about 33min)
Max HR ~182 (says bike machine)
sweat sweat sweat.
Took another meta picture (me taking a pic of me taking a pic of me taking a pic of....i should really make a never-ending gif of it):
Lunch Friday, Dinner Wednesday, Dinner Thursday
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
O hey there!
Chuggin' along.
I've still got this nasty chest cold thing, but I'm not letting it hold me back, if i can help it.
Last Thursday and today, I went to dance class. We're doing a dance called Kote-ba, which involves a lot of jumping and being light on the feet, as well as squatting and being low to the ground, so it's a really great workout. I'll be going back on Thurs.
I had to be re-evaluated at PT because I was AWOL for like 2 months because I'm so freaking tired of being in therapy. He says I'm doing really well though, and I only have to come once/week now. Thank goodness.
Over the weekend, I went swimming with my boifrand because he's learning how to swim and has to practice outside of class. This weekend, we're gonna swim and go to the gym, because he wants to learn how to lift and stuff.
ALSO, I'm sooperjuiced because he might play rugby in the fall. I'm so fuckin excited. He'd be a perfect hooker, with his lil stocky self. He has a number of friends on the team at Smith (including Meesh's cousin who thinks she's the coolest person ever) and they're all really encouraging him to join the team.
So yeah, good things all around :D
I've still got this nasty chest cold thing, but I'm not letting it hold me back, if i can help it.
Last Thursday and today, I went to dance class. We're doing a dance called Kote-ba, which involves a lot of jumping and being light on the feet, as well as squatting and being low to the ground, so it's a really great workout. I'll be going back on Thurs.
I had to be re-evaluated at PT because I was AWOL for like 2 months because I'm so freaking tired of being in therapy. He says I'm doing really well though, and I only have to come once/week now. Thank goodness.
Over the weekend, I went swimming with my boifrand because he's learning how to swim and has to practice outside of class. This weekend, we're gonna swim and go to the gym, because he wants to learn how to lift and stuff.
ALSO, I'm sooperjuiced because he might play rugby in the fall. I'm so fuckin excited. He'd be a perfect hooker, with his lil stocky self. He has a number of friends on the team at Smith (including Meesh's cousin who thinks she's the coolest person ever) and they're all really encouraging him to join the team.
So yeah, good things all around :D
Sprint to the finish!
It's the second to last week at Boyles! I'm really gonna miss it, but probably won't sign up again because it's expensive (although way cheaper than xfit gyms) and hard to fit in the schedule.
Monday 3/4
(the only day of the year that is a command. "March Forth!" - said the researcher testing my brain for 8 hrs yesterday)
(the only day of the year that is a command. "March Forth!" - said the researcher testing my brain for 8 hrs yesterday)
10 min rolling + resistance band knee exercises
leg swings + lunges + sldl stretches
dynamic warm up & calisthenics
warmup circuit:
3 x 6 each single leg lateral hurdle jumps, stick the landing
2 x 5 each leg wall ball side throws with lateral jump back
2 x 5 each leg med ball overhead throws with step
3 x 3 cleans (100, 105, 110#)
2 x 10 dynamic in-line chop (30-32 R)
2 x 10 abs rolling on ball
3 x 6-10-6 trap bar deadlift (185x6, 185x10, 190x6)
3 x 4 pull-ups (3+1wHelp, 3+2wHelp, 1+1+1+1)
3 x 10-10-21 pushups
3 x 6 single leg squats (15#)
2 x 10 cable overhead pressout (18.5-19R)
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Kilimanjaro inspired
Monday 2/25 - Boyles
Tuesday 2/26 - ridiculous biking
Wednesday 2/27 - Boyles
I'm kind of sad that Boyles is ending in 2 weeks - I've never made so much strength improvement in just a few months! But at least I will get home before 9 on Mondays and Wednesdays! Considering signing up for the spring session though haha... I don't want to believe that this is the strongest I'll ever be in my life!
warmup, dynamic stretching, jumps, calisthenics, skips, etc. + some circuit w hurdles & wall balls
3x5 cleans 100#
3x8 dynamic in-line chop
2x8 ab roller
3x8 trap bar DL 185#
3x5 pull-ups (2-1-1 without help, the rest in the set w smallest resistance band)
3x8 DB shoulder press (i forget weight)
3x6 single leg squats (15#)
2x12 cables press to overhead
Today all the cardio was taken so I decided to warmup on the bike. Then my coworker Joe who was next to me said "why don't you do Hill Plus? Mine had a Kilimanjaro option" so I thought sure why not? I'll try it. Since my abs were ridiculously strained and in pain from doing the ab roller incorrectly, I decided I'd continue to bike after a 10min warmup. Then I told a guy I'd bike 10 miles so that was that - I had to do it. Maintaining over 100 rpm.
Luckily I only realized 18 minutes in that I was deceived It was NOT a "hill workout" - it was 60 sec intervals of low and super high resistance!! GAHHH.
I thought if I biked faster during the hard section it would be over sooner. I was wrong.
No matter how much harder I biked it was still 60sec long. silly Emhsieh.
I have never been so sweaty in my life except when I truly did high intensity interval biking that one other time at the OMAC. So I did that for 40minutes (passed 10miles around 30).
Pics below.
warmup, dynamic stretching, jumps, calisthenics, skips, etc. + some circuit w hurdles & medicine + wall balls
3x5 snatches 45-50-55 (i lied in that comment on your post, I've only snatched 55lbs woops)
2x8 single leg step in-line cable lift (1 leg on a tall step, lift cable while exploding off that leg in 1 motion)
2x8 spiderman shoulder stretch guy
3x12 bench WITH CHAINS (so cool!!! so many fun toys at this gym!) 30# chains + 2.5s each side
3x8-10-8 RFE split squat 70-70-80#
3x8 TRX row
3xTurf (120m?) farmers carry 60-70-70#
3x8 DB lateral lunge 30-35-35#
slideboards 30sec on 15sec off
Back to Tuesday 2/26
Some stats: 10+ miles > 100rpm
HR 186
Last mile 2:43
sooooo sweaty (one of those times where i MUST wipe the equipment afterwards)
Ridiculous wedgie at the end.
So after that accidental ridiculous my quads are still sore from 2 days ago bike workout, of course took some pictures of how sweaty I was
Tuesday 2/26 - ridiculous biking
Wednesday 2/27 - Boyles
I'm kind of sad that Boyles is ending in 2 weeks - I've never made so much strength improvement in just a few months! But at least I will get home before 9 on Mondays and Wednesdays! Considering signing up for the spring session though haha... I don't want to believe that this is the strongest I'll ever be in my life!
warmup, dynamic stretching, jumps, calisthenics, skips, etc. + some circuit w hurdles & wall balls
3x5 cleans 100#
3x8 dynamic in-line chop
2x8 ab roller
3x8 trap bar DL 185#
3x5 pull-ups (2-1-1 without help, the rest in the set w smallest resistance band)
3x8 DB shoulder press (i forget weight)
3x6 single leg squats (15#)
2x12 cables press to overhead
Today all the cardio was taken so I decided to warmup on the bike. Then my coworker Joe who was next to me said "why don't you do Hill Plus? Mine had a Kilimanjaro option" so I thought sure why not? I'll try it. Since my abs were ridiculously strained and in pain from doing the ab roller incorrectly, I decided I'd continue to bike after a 10min warmup. Then I told a guy I'd bike 10 miles so that was that - I had to do it. Maintaining over 100 rpm.
Luckily I only realized 18 minutes in that I was deceived It was NOT a "hill workout" - it was 60 sec intervals of low and super high resistance!! GAHHH.
I thought if I biked faster during the hard section it would be over sooner. I was wrong.
No matter how much harder I biked it was still 60sec long. silly Emhsieh.
I have never been so sweaty in my life except when I truly did high intensity interval biking that one other time at the OMAC. So I did that for 40minutes (passed 10miles around 30).
Pics below.
warmup, dynamic stretching, jumps, calisthenics, skips, etc. + some circuit w hurdles & medicine + wall balls
3x5 snatches 45-50-55 (i lied in that comment on your post, I've only snatched 55lbs woops)
2x8 single leg step in-line cable lift (1 leg on a tall step, lift cable while exploding off that leg in 1 motion)
2x8 spiderman shoulder stretch guy
3x12 bench WITH CHAINS (so cool!!! so many fun toys at this gym!) 30# chains + 2.5s each side
3x8-10-8 RFE split squat 70-70-80#
3x8 TRX row
3xTurf (120m?) farmers carry 60-70-70#
3x8 DB lateral lunge 30-35-35#
slideboards 30sec on 15sec off
Back to Tuesday 2/26
Some stats: 10+ miles > 100rpm
HR 186
Last mile 2:43
sooooo sweaty (one of those times where i MUST wipe the equipment afterwards)
Ridiculous wedgie at the end.
So after that accidental ridiculous my quads are still sore from 2 days ago bike workout, of course took some pictures of how sweaty I was
water sprouting from my forearm |
Back sweat. Meta! you can see me taking a pic of me taking a pic of me taking a pic of........ sweating through my shorts |
...and naturally it progressed once again to a flexing photo...
![]() |
but I did that thing where you split it up into panels so it doesn't look as weird and self absorbed as 1 whole pic of me standing and flexing in the mirror hahahah |
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Must survive until springtime
Emhsieh- I love your "casual friday afternoon workout." Why is it that all I want to do on a friday afternoon is workout?
Wed 2/20
Wendlers Wave 2 Press:
Worked off of 100#s:
3+@90% = 90#s... Did 5! (woot shoulders!!!)
3 RfT:
9 muscle-ups
7 snatches @ 85% of 1rm (90 #s)
Sub for 9 muscle-ups: 27 pullups and 27 ringdips
20 min time cap - got to 13 ring dips and 7 pullups on the 3rd round... was snatching 20 #s more than anyone else in the class because they were being pansies. Also have to get a muscle-up soon.
Didn't get to do basketball though, because I was running late and missed the window to get into the Y with the group. :(!!!!!
Leftover curry for lunch
Massive Ham and cheese omelet with toast for dinner
Thursday 2/21
Every 30 on the 30 for 5 rounds: 2 tall cleans @ 55#
Every 30 on the 30 for 5 rounds: 2 tall cleasns @ 45#
30 KBS 24kg
30 Wallballs 14#
30 chest 2 bar pull-ups
20 KBS 24kg
20 Wallballs 14 #
20 chest 2 bars pull-ups
13:04<-- this workout destroyed me, I have not been that tanked in a while. Legit had to lie on the floor for a few minutes while the room spun
Ham sandwich for lunch
Steamed broccoli and 3 turkey sausages for dinner
Wendlers Wave 3 Back Squat
Working off of 170# 1RM backsquat, because I didn't look it up... :( I think it's higher.
1+@95% = 145# = 9 --> 200# backsquat here I come!!
12 min AMRAP:
10 box jumps 24 inches
8 burpees
6 Chest to bar pullups
4 toes to bar
2 Deadlifts @ 225#s
Did 4 rounds + 4 pull-ups = Beat the girl at the gym who went to regionals last year by a whole round+ !!
Delicious thai duck soup for lunch with my buddy Scott
1/2 ham sandwich and 5 blackbean and veggie tacos for dinner
Coached at the gym from 9:30am-3pm. Spent about 45 min from 11:00-12:00 doing handstand skill work... getting to the place where I can get 6-7 steps of a walk forward in and 6-7 steps of a walk backwards, sometimes at the same time, usually not
2 eggs and 2 toast
no lunch (whoops)
Cashews + pear + banana + almond hershey's kisses
Sweet potatoes and bacon for dinner
Ginger-pear pie and more almond hershey's kisses
Wed 2/20
Wendlers Wave 2 Press:
Worked off of 100#s:
3+@90% = 90#s... Did 5! (woot shoulders!!!)
3 RfT:
9 muscle-ups
7 snatches @ 85% of 1rm (90 #s)
Sub for 9 muscle-ups: 27 pullups and 27 ringdips
20 min time cap - got to 13 ring dips and 7 pullups on the 3rd round... was snatching 20 #s more than anyone else in the class because they were being pansies. Also have to get a muscle-up soon.
Didn't get to do basketball though, because I was running late and missed the window to get into the Y with the group. :(!!!!!
Leftover curry for lunch
Massive Ham and cheese omelet with toast for dinner
Thursday 2/21
Every 30 on the 30 for 5 rounds: 2 tall cleans @ 55#
Every 30 on the 30 for 5 rounds: 2 tall cleasns @ 45#
30 KBS 24kg
30 Wallballs 14#
30 chest 2 bar pull-ups
20 KBS 24kg
20 Wallballs 14 #
20 chest 2 bars pull-ups
13:04<-- this workout destroyed me, I have not been that tanked in a while. Legit had to lie on the floor for a few minutes while the room spun
Ham sandwich for lunch
Steamed broccoli and 3 turkey sausages for dinner
Wendlers Wave 3 Back Squat
Working off of 170# 1RM backsquat, because I didn't look it up... :( I think it's higher.
1+@95% = 145# = 9 --> 200# backsquat here I come!!
12 min AMRAP:
10 box jumps 24 inches
8 burpees
6 Chest to bar pullups
4 toes to bar
2 Deadlifts @ 225#s
Did 4 rounds + 4 pull-ups = Beat the girl at the gym who went to regionals last year by a whole round+ !!
Delicious thai duck soup for lunch with my buddy Scott
1/2 ham sandwich and 5 blackbean and veggie tacos for dinner
Coached at the gym from 9:30am-3pm. Spent about 45 min from 11:00-12:00 doing handstand skill work... getting to the place where I can get 6-7 steps of a walk forward in and 6-7 steps of a walk backwards, sometimes at the same time, usually not
2 eggs and 2 toast
no lunch (whoops)
Cashews + pear + banana + almond hershey's kisses
Sweet potatoes and bacon for dinner
Ginger-pear pie and more almond hershey's kisses
Saturday, February 23, 2013
A new love for...
Sprint Biking!
I used to reeeeeally dislike sprint biking, to the point of "I'd rather doing 10 X-drills and 10 death flops!!" level of aversion. But now that I think about it, maybe it's because I only ever sprint biked when I was injured.
Now that I'll probably never feel that kind of rugby pain ever again or be plagued with minor/major injuries and bruises all the time, sprint biking isn't so bad! A casual Friday afternoon made-up-on-the-spot workout:
I'm gonna name it the "Arwen"
Stationary bicycling:
10min casual warmup
8 x 10 sec on 10 sec off
8 x 20 sec on 20 sec off
8 x 30 sec on 30 sec off
HR ~ 174
5min casual cooldown
10 minute abs + 10 good push ups before each round:
10 push ups, 60 sec front plank
10 push ups, 60 sec sit ups
10 push ups, 60 sec side crunches
10 push ups, 60 sec side crunches
10 push ups, 60 sec scissors
10 push ups, 60 sec bicycles
10 push ups, 60 sec side plank
10 push ups, 60 sec side plank
10 push ups, 60 sec russian twist w med ball
10 push ups, 60 sec leg lifts
Chin-up every time I pass through bathroom doorway
I used to reeeeeally dislike sprint biking, to the point of "I'd rather doing 10 X-drills and 10 death flops!!" level of aversion. But now that I think about it, maybe it's because I only ever sprint biked when I was injured.
Now that I'll probably never feel that kind of rugby pain ever again or be plagued with minor/major injuries and bruises all the time, sprint biking isn't so bad! A casual Friday afternoon made-up-on-the-spot workout:
I'm gonna name it the "Arwen"
Stationary bicycling:
10min casual warmup
8 x 10 sec on 10 sec off
8 x 20 sec on 20 sec off
8 x 30 sec on 30 sec off
HR ~ 174
5min casual cooldown
10 minute abs + 10 good push ups before each round:
10 push ups, 60 sec front plank
10 push ups, 60 sec sit ups
10 push ups, 60 sec side crunches
10 push ups, 60 sec side crunches
10 push ups, 60 sec scissors
10 push ups, 60 sec bicycles
10 push ups, 60 sec side plank
10 push ups, 60 sec side plank
10 push ups, 60 sec russian twist w med ball
10 push ups, 60 sec leg lifts
Chin-up every time I pass through bathroom doorway
Thursday, February 21, 2013
public school vacation week!!!
Hi Annalisa, sorry I haven't posted recently. You're not alone on here! I still checked the blog every day. I wonder if there are other friends out there who check and don't post like I've been doing... if you're out there just holler!
Girls gotta play!
SO, the reason I haven't posted is because I haven't worked out in a week. :O :O :O :O
One. Week. !!!!!
How can you even be sure that I'm the real EmHsieh?? :O
(Well, technically, since last Friday. Last Thursday I ran 3 miles and yesterday I went to the gym. But 2 << 5+. Feels like 0! the limit as 2 approaches much much less than 5+ is zero.) I hope I've stressed the amount of non-workouts I've done in the past week. It's shocking. and a welcome rest.
And I feel pretty much no guilt at all because
1. The gym I go to is closed this week because of February Vacation for public schools (hence the title of the post)
2. It's my dad's last week in this country and we've been hanging out w family
3. It's cold when it snows.
4. I don't play rugby anymore
5. I installed a pull-up bar in my bathroom doorframe and the price to pass is 1 chinup. super effective. It's like the bar is say "YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS. Unless you do a chin up"
Now for yesterday's workout: (1 mile, 3 super sets of 3 things, 13min abs)
3x5-4-2 cleans (105# )
3x10 toe-touch-to-squat (12.5#)
3x8 cables in-line chop (60#) <-- I know what "20R" is roughly now because the office gym has real poundage weights!
3x6 deadlifts w bar (175#) <-- my form is not so good without a trapbar.
3x3 chinups <--WOOO improvement! life best!
2x8 R-L-R leg lowers w resistance band
3x8 standing 1 arm DB press (25#)
3x6 single leg squat (16#)
2x30sec standing anti-rotation cable hold (40#) <-- real weight! instead of the other gym's "R" units.
"Sam Annalisa, I'm glad you're with me."
-Frodo Emhsieh
Girls gotta play!
SO, the reason I haven't posted is because I haven't worked out in a week. :O :O :O :O
One. Week. !!!!!
How can you even be sure that I'm the real EmHsieh?? :O
(Well, technically, since last Friday. Last Thursday I ran 3 miles and yesterday I went to the gym. But 2 << 5+. Feels like 0! the limit as 2 approaches much much less than 5+ is zero.) I hope I've stressed the amount of non-workouts I've done in the past week. It's shocking. and a welcome rest.
And I feel pretty much no guilt at all because
1. The gym I go to is closed this week because of February Vacation for public schools (hence the title of the post)
2. It's my dad's last week in this country and we've been hanging out w family
3. It's cold when it snows.
4. I don't play rugby anymore
5. I installed a pull-up bar in my bathroom doorframe and the price to pass is 1 chinup. super effective. It's like the bar is say "YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS. Unless you do a chin up"
Now for yesterday's workout: (1 mile, 3 super sets of 3 things, 13min abs)
3x5-4-2 cleans (105# )
3x10 toe-touch-to-squat (12.5#)
3x8 cables in-line chop (60#) <-- I know what "20R" is roughly now because the office gym has real poundage weights!
3x6 deadlifts w bar (175#) <-- my form is not so good without a trapbar.
3x3 chinups <--WOOO improvement! life best!
2x8 R-L-R leg lowers w resistance band
3x8 standing 1 arm DB press (25#)
3x6 single leg squat (16#)
2x30sec standing anti-rotation cable hold (40#) <-- real weight! instead of the other gym's "R" units.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Bahahahah! Emhsieh your memory is amazing
I had forgotten all about that song.
Incredible! Our friends are geniuses.
1 RM clean and jerk - went to 125#, not sure at all the PR I'm chasing there... I should stop being lazy and look it up
for Time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters @35#
30 Pullups
7:47 - I killed it
normal + cheap chinese for dinner x 2- one before drinking with thal's soccer friends and one after
Wendlers Bench Press wave two
w/ 3+ @ 90#s-- did 15--> which confirms my belief that my bench press 1 RM is artificially low because my form sucks
12 min AMRAP:
20 KB overhead lunges Rt arm
15 pullups
20 KB overhead lunges left arm
15 toes2bar
2 + 47--> beat the next highest girl by 23--- but I did it on my lunch break, so someone in the evening could've beat it
Ran around in my underwear for .02 sec
Tested my old-lady self in the day-drinking category
Food: Beirkraft for dinner!!!!
Dim-sum and Adria's chinese new year feast!!!
Exercised the brain
Thalia made curry with coconut milk for dinner and I make delicious brick cookies!!!
Went to the gym to do shoulder work this morning because it was angry from all the flexing I did during the underwear run
Now my head feels like it will explode, so no real gym today.
I had leftover curry for lunch and will probably have that, chickpeas and ice cream for dinner.
Annalisa out.
Incredible! Our friends are geniuses.
1 RM clean and jerk - went to 125#, not sure at all the PR I'm chasing there... I should stop being lazy and look it up
for Time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters @35#
30 Pullups
7:47 - I killed it
normal + cheap chinese for dinner x 2- one before drinking with thal's soccer friends and one after
Wendlers Bench Press wave two
w/ 3+ @ 90#s-- did 15--> which confirms my belief that my bench press 1 RM is artificially low because my form sucks
12 min AMRAP:
20 KB overhead lunges Rt arm
15 pullups
20 KB overhead lunges left arm
15 toes2bar
2 + 47--> beat the next highest girl by 23--- but I did it on my lunch break, so someone in the evening could've beat it
Ran around in my underwear for .02 sec
Tested my old-lady self in the day-drinking category
Food: Beirkraft for dinner!!!!
Dim-sum and Adria's chinese new year feast!!!
Exercised the brain
Thalia made curry with coconut milk for dinner and I make delicious brick cookies!!!
Went to the gym to do shoulder work this morning because it was angry from all the flexing I did during the underwear run
Now my head feels like it will explode, so no real gym today.
I had leftover curry for lunch and will probably have that, chickpeas and ice cream for dinner.
Annalisa out.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
A lovely day + time machine treat at the end
Happy 2/14!
I am tempted to make my own emhsieh's vday wod consisting of arithmetic-variations of 2/14 exercises. A 2x14 circuit perhaps? Or 2 miles in < 14 minutes? :P etc.
A weekend wrap-up: blizzard. rugby. food.
I kept thinking while shoveling about how I would blog about it
"AMRAP shovel right-arm dominant 30sec on 30 off"
"EMOM toss ~15# snow as far as possible"
"3 rounds: 20 left-arm dominant scoops, 20 right-arm dominant scoops, rest 1min"
"squat shovel, single leg shovel, deadlift shovel, snow thrusters..."
you get the idea :)
2/13 workout: Boyles
roll, knee exercises, dynamic warmup + calisthenics
quick circuit:
3 x 5 2-legged hurdles, double hop in between and stick last landing
2 x 5 each leg wall ball on the ground, staggered stance, explode out w hips and arms
3x5 snatches (55) form!!!
2x10 toe-touch-to squat (12# ball)
2x12 in-line lift (15-18R)
3 x 5-6-5 bench (100#) WOOOOOO! almost to my life goal of 3x8x100!!!
3 x 5-5-7 RFE split squats (70, 80, 80)
2 x 30sec R-L-R TRX arm stretch
3x12 TRX rows
3x8 DB SLDL (22.5)
2x30sec standing anti-rotation holds (16-16.5R))
Sled pulling. 15m up, 15m back x 4 (180 x 3, 225 x 1)
I did it I posted!! Sorry I haven't kept track of food. I will say, my mom made delicious tilapia the other day. mmmm
In addition, I always think of "Song for the Sues" thatwePloi wrote for Suno and Sudo on valentine's day 2009.
No privac-ay
This Valentine's Day
If you lose your jobs
You know that Brown's a blast
She can coach the fowards
And you can coach the backs
We don't hate
Don't have to play it straight
Our head coach is the gayest of the gays
We don't hate
Don't have to play it straight
Annalisa is the gayest of the gays
I am tempted to make my own emhsieh's vday wod consisting of arithmetic-variations of 2/14 exercises. A 2x14 circuit perhaps? Or 2 miles in < 14 minutes? :P etc.
A weekend wrap-up: blizzard. rugby. food.
I kept thinking while shoveling about how I would blog about it
"AMRAP shovel right-arm dominant 30sec on 30 off"
"EMOM toss ~15# snow as far as possible"
"3 rounds: 20 left-arm dominant scoops, 20 right-arm dominant scoops, rest 1min"
"squat shovel, single leg shovel, deadlift shovel, snow thrusters..."
you get the idea :)
2/13 workout: Boyles
roll, knee exercises, dynamic warmup + calisthenics
quick circuit:
3 x 5 2-legged hurdles, double hop in between and stick last landing
2 x 5 each leg wall ball on the ground, staggered stance, explode out w hips and arms
3x5 snatches (55) form!!!
2x10 toe-touch-to squat (12# ball)
2x12 in-line lift (15-18R)
3 x 5-6-5 bench (100#) WOOOOOO! almost to my life goal of 3x8x100!!!
3 x 5-5-7 RFE split squats (70, 80, 80)
2 x 30sec R-L-R TRX arm stretch
3x12 TRX rows
3x8 DB SLDL (22.5)
2x30sec standing anti-rotation holds (16-16.5R))
Sled pulling. 15m up, 15m back x 4 (180 x 3, 225 x 1)
I did it I posted!! Sorry I haven't kept track of food. I will say, my mom made delicious tilapia the other day. mmmm
In addition, I always think of "Song for the Sues" that
No privac-ay
This Valentine's Day
If you lose your jobs
You know that Brown's a blast
She can coach the fowards
And you can coach the backs
We don't hate
Don't have to play it straight
Our head coach is the gayest of the gays
We don't hate
Don't have to play it straight
Annalisa is the gayest of the gays
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
because I don't want to do work right now
5x 3 position snatch at 75# My form is still not good for the pull from the floor. Must drill it.
Row 2k
Let me say that was hard. I did not stand for a long time after. So sad I didn't get sub 8:00.
Toast with peanutbutter
Leftover blackbeans and spinach
Delicious currry chickpeas, rice, 1 chicken sausage, and a little bit of roasted broccoli
1 small piece of ridiculous rum cake
2 eggs and toast for bfast
turkey sandwich, carrots, coffee
trail mix
TBD for dinner, probably left over chickpeas and more chicken sausage
5x 3 position snatch at 75# My form is still not good for the pull from the floor. Must drill it.
Row 2k
Let me say that was hard. I did not stand for a long time after. So sad I didn't get sub 8:00.
Toast with peanutbutter
Leftover blackbeans and spinach
Delicious currry chickpeas, rice, 1 chicken sausage, and a little bit of roasted broccoli
1 small piece of ridiculous rum cake
2 eggs and toast for bfast
turkey sandwich, carrots, coffee
trail mix
TBD for dinner, probably left over chickpeas and more chicken sausage
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Endurance: poor
Strength: all time high
Diet: Better than it has ever been since I went off meal plan
Wendlers DL off of 240#
5+ was @ 205#, 5 only
20 minutes to do:
ME UB DoubleUnders
Row 1K
ME UB Pull-ups
Only 3 attempts each of DUs and PUs
30 Pullups (shoulda gone further, but was being a baby about ripping my hands)
4 DU (can't do them without a baby hop for real yet)
Food: Good stuff
The weekend:
Watched rugby, didn't work out
Ate a lot
Wendlers Press:
Worked off of 100#
5+ @ 85... only got 3
3 rounds AMRAP:
1:30 DUs
:30 rest
1:30 KB swings @ 24kg
:30 rest
1:30 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24"
175 total... gotta get my DUs man
Food: standard except spinach and chicken sausages for dins
Strength: all time high
Diet: Better than it has ever been since I went off meal plan
Wendlers DL off of 240#
5+ was @ 205#, 5 only
20 minutes to do:
ME UB DoubleUnders
Row 1K
ME UB Pull-ups
Only 3 attempts each of DUs and PUs
30 Pullups (shoulda gone further, but was being a baby about ripping my hands)
4 DU (can't do them without a baby hop for real yet)
Food: Good stuff
The weekend:
Watched rugby, didn't work out
Ate a lot
Wendlers Press:
Worked off of 100#
5+ @ 85... only got 3
3 rounds AMRAP:
1:30 DUs
:30 rest
1:30 KB swings @ 24kg
:30 rest
1:30 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24"
175 total... gotta get my DUs man
Food: standard except spinach and chicken sausages for dins
Friday, February 8, 2013
How is it "mid-February" already?
And we all gonna die in the blizzard... don't worry--- it's supposed to be over by 1:00PM saturday and our underwear run isn't until 2:30-- we're fine!
Basketball (such a good game, we almost won!!)
Toast with peanut butter
Trail mix
Turkey Sandwich, carrots, clementine
Trail mix
10 wings with jerk bbq sauce
2 delicious Founders beers- one Stout, one Porter
A few spoonfuls of chunky monkey
20 minutes to work on split jerks--- I'm still really hit or miss on these guys.. not consistent at all
30 Clean and Jerks for time @ 95#
4:15 Rx
The fastest time for girls rx before I did it was 5:20-- but the best female athlete (former gymnast) at our gym was in the class with me an finished at 4:00 even... :( Just gotta get stronger.
Toast with avocado
Earl grey tea
Trail mix
Coffee (with cream)
Turkey Sandwich, better trailmix, clementine, coffee
2 chicken breast (in balsamic, brown sugar, siracha marinade), lots of spinach cooked in sesame oil, salt and pepper
Some more chunky monkey
Basketball (such a good game, we almost won!!)
Toast with peanut butter
Trail mix
Turkey Sandwich, carrots, clementine
Trail mix
10 wings with jerk bbq sauce
2 delicious Founders beers- one Stout, one Porter
A few spoonfuls of chunky monkey
20 minutes to work on split jerks--- I'm still really hit or miss on these guys.. not consistent at all
30 Clean and Jerks for time @ 95#
4:15 Rx
The fastest time for girls rx before I did it was 5:20-- but the best female athlete (former gymnast) at our gym was in the class with me an finished at 4:00 even... :( Just gotta get stronger.
Toast with avocado
Earl grey tea
Trail mix
Coffee (with cream)
Turkey Sandwich, better trailmix, clementine, coffee
2 chicken breast (in balsamic, brown sugar, siracha marinade), lots of spinach cooked in sesame oil, salt and pepper
Some more chunky monkey
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Sorry schmanna! Welcome back C!
I'm sorry I didn't get to see you Annalisa :/ ...at least we're both still in one piece and have no additional broken bones or metal plates.
In short:
Last Wednesday 1/30 Boyles
Last Thursday 1/31 A circuit from the BWRFC archives
Saturday 2/2 pickup bball
Monday 2/4 Boyles
Tuesday 2/5 Bike Sprints
Wednesday 2/6 (today) Boyles
1/30 Boyles lifting portion (don't remember my weights anymore):
3 x 5 snatch
2 x 10 toe touch to squat w med ball
2 x 10 standing lift
3 x 6 bench
3 x 6 rear-foot elevated split squat
2 x 20sec lat band stretch
3 x 10 TRX row
3 x 8 SLDL
2 x 12 dynamic push pull
Sprints suicides: 30-20-10m
5min jog outside in the cold
Some jumps like frog jumps
3 rounds (15:45)
30 air squats
25 kettlebell swings (25# DB)
10 push ups
20 burpees
15 star jumps
1 mile <10min (HR 170)
13min abs
2/4 Boyles lift:
3 x 3 cleans (95-100-105)
2 x 12 sumo curl pressout (12kg)
2 x 12 in-line chop
3 x 5-5-18 Trap bar deadlift (160, 165, 170) <--170x18 was ridic.
3 x 3 chin ups
3 x 10 leg lowers R-L-R
3 x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (22.5DB)
3 x 6 single leg squats (15#)
2 x 30sec standing anti-rotation holds
8 x sled pulls (280# x 30m)
wanted to see if I can deadlift 240lbs. I can! :)
2/5 Bike sprints
warmup 10min > 100rpm
10 on 10 off x 8
15 on 15 off x 8
20 on 20 off x 4
30 on 15 off x 8
AND as of monday
weight before workouts ~143
weight after workouts ~142
THIS WOULD BE AWESOME if I were still trying to gain weight for rugby!!!! :) hahaha must be all the superbowl food.
In short:
Last Wednesday 1/30 Boyles
Last Thursday 1/31 A circuit from the BWRFC archives
Saturday 2/2 pickup bball
Monday 2/4 Boyles
Tuesday 2/5 Bike Sprints
Wednesday 2/6 (today) Boyles
1/30 Boyles lifting portion (don't remember my weights anymore):
3 x 5 snatch
2 x 10 toe touch to squat w med ball
2 x 10 standing lift
3 x 6 bench
3 x 6 rear-foot elevated split squat
2 x 20sec lat band stretch
3 x 10 TRX row
3 x 8 SLDL
2 x 12 dynamic push pull
Sprints suicides: 30-20-10m
5min jog outside in the cold
Some jumps like frog jumps
3 rounds (15:45)
30 air squats
25 kettlebell swings (25# DB)
10 push ups
20 burpees
15 star jumps
1 mile <10min (HR 170)
13min abs
2/4 Boyles lift:
3 x 3 cleans (95-100-105)
2 x 12 sumo curl pressout (12kg)
2 x 12 in-line chop
3 x 5-5-18 Trap bar deadlift (160, 165, 170) <--170x18 was ridic.
3 x 3 chin ups
3 x 10 leg lowers R-L-R
3 x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (22.5DB)
3 x 6 single leg squats (15#)
2 x 30sec standing anti-rotation holds
8 x sled pulls (280# x 30m)
wanted to see if I can deadlift 240lbs. I can! :)
2/5 Bike sprints
warmup 10min > 100rpm
10 on 10 off x 8
15 on 15 off x 8
20 on 20 off x 4
30 on 15 off x 8
AND as of monday
weight before workouts ~143
weight after workouts ~142
THIS WOULD BE AWESOME if I were still trying to gain weight for rugby!!!! :) hahaha must be all the superbowl food.
Hi frands,
So the sensation of having a bear sitting on my chest has subsided somewhat, and I'm getting back to it.
On Monday, I went swimming. I can see improvement, because despite my shot lungs, I am swimming farther than I was at the beginning of the month.
On Tuesday, I went to the Mande class at Brown. Before I joined rugby, I danced with the company, so it was good to go back and be in that space. We were doing a very difficult (in both technique and impact) dance, one that gave me hell when I was in the company, but I did pretty well. I was teaching with the TAs and it felt really good. I'll be going back next week.
I'm hoping I get to play basketball this week, if my schedule and body allows.
So the sensation of having a bear sitting on my chest has subsided somewhat, and I'm getting back to it.
On Monday, I went swimming. I can see improvement, because despite my shot lungs, I am swimming farther than I was at the beginning of the month.
On Tuesday, I went to the Mande class at Brown. Before I joined rugby, I danced with the company, so it was good to go back and be in that space. We were doing a very difficult (in both technique and impact) dance, one that gave me hell when I was in the company, but I did pretty well. I was teaching with the TAs and it felt really good. I'll be going back next week.
I'm hoping I get to play basketball this week, if my schedule and body allows.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
So I didn't get to see you
but this is what I was talking about for improving your snatch.
No workout because crazy day and bus to Boston
Huge chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries with my team at lunch
Subway sandwich for dinner
2 mile run up a big hill and down
2 mile walk in the woods
1 cup oatmeal with raisins
3 eggs of an omelette with mushrooms
Beer while watching rugby
2 small chicken enchiladas with rice and beans
lots of fancy cheese and crackers
delicious lamb stew, salad, bread, and APPLE PIE with ice cream
Shopping with T + parentals at REI
HUGE brunch t with 2 fried eggs, 2 pieces of toast, sausage pattie, hash browns, and 2 johnny cakes with bananas
Bhan mi bbq beef sandwich
Bacon, lettuce and ketchup sandwich, a few mouthfulls of tuna salad
Highbar Back squat
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60 %
5 x 65 %
5 x 75 %
5+ x 85 %
Got to 9 at my max out at 85% of 90% of 1RM = 155
200 # Back squat here I come
3 Rounds for time:
Row 20m
15 burpees
10 Hang power cleans @ 95#
Olive toast
sausage egg and cheese
trail mix
turkey sandwich
trail mix
4 tacos with black beans, onions, green peppers, spinach, mushrooms, cheese, and a little bit of salsa
Every :75 for 7 rounds:
High hang snatch, hang snatch (above the knee), full snatch @ 65# -- got a new form issue identified in that I'm bending my knees to early and not loading the hammies correctly-- so went light to sort that out-- with mixed success
Deadlift @155#
6:54 but scaled the HSPU to be deficit (25#plate) from the box for about 29 of them, then straight from the box
The good news is the deadlift is as easy as bouncing the plates.
Coffee, 2 eggs in corn tortillas
Trail Mix
Chewy Granola bar (these things are pure corn syrup, but they're chillin in my office for the taking and when you're hungry and don't want to spend $$....)
Turkey sandwich, carrots
Trail Mix
Sushi and green tea
Popcorn (Saw a screening of Invisible War.. Mai- have you heard of this documentary??)
No workout because crazy day and bus to Boston
Huge chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries with my team at lunch
Subway sandwich for dinner
2 mile run up a big hill and down
2 mile walk in the woods
1 cup oatmeal with raisins
3 eggs of an omelette with mushrooms
Beer while watching rugby
2 small chicken enchiladas with rice and beans
lots of fancy cheese and crackers
delicious lamb stew, salad, bread, and APPLE PIE with ice cream
Shopping with T + parentals at REI
HUGE brunch t with 2 fried eggs, 2 pieces of toast, sausage pattie, hash browns, and 2 johnny cakes with bananas
Bhan mi bbq beef sandwich
Bacon, lettuce and ketchup sandwich, a few mouthfulls of tuna salad
Highbar Back squat
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60 %
5 x 65 %
5 x 75 %
5+ x 85 %
Got to 9 at my max out at 85% of 90% of 1RM = 155
200 # Back squat here I come
3 Rounds for time:
Row 20m
15 burpees
10 Hang power cleans @ 95#
Olive toast
sausage egg and cheese
trail mix
turkey sandwich
trail mix
4 tacos with black beans, onions, green peppers, spinach, mushrooms, cheese, and a little bit of salsa
Every :75 for 7 rounds:
High hang snatch, hang snatch (above the knee), full snatch @ 65# -- got a new form issue identified in that I'm bending my knees to early and not loading the hammies correctly-- so went light to sort that out-- with mixed success
Deadlift @155#
6:54 but scaled the HSPU to be deficit (25#plate) from the box for about 29 of them, then straight from the box
The good news is the deadlift is as easy as bouncing the plates.
Coffee, 2 eggs in corn tortillas
Trail Mix
Chewy Granola bar (these things are pure corn syrup, but they're chillin in my office for the taking and when you're hungry and don't want to spend $$....)
Turkey sandwich, carrots
Trail Mix
Sushi and green tea
Popcorn (Saw a screening of Invisible War.. Mai- have you heard of this documentary??)
Thursday, January 31, 2013
When I see you on Sat I'll show you the snatch stuff
Hiii Em-
I just covered the most important info, but it doesn't hurt to re-iterate: RUGBY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!
Remember what channel your BBC America is on comcast--- we may want to go to a place that isn't filled with former-prop drunk dudes.
I just covered the most important info, but it doesn't hurt to re-iterate: RUGBY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!
Remember what channel your BBC America is on comcast--- we may want to go to a place that isn't filled with former-prop drunk dudes.
That was from my workout today.
Workout: 20 min to find 5 RM of Back squat:
175 # --> this means my 1 RM should be 200#, but it's not :(
For time:
20 Handstand pushups (scaled on a box)
30 pull-ups
40 KB swings 16kg
45 sit-ups
50 burpees
10: 14
Trail mix
Turkey Sandwich and carrots sticks
Trail mix
Leftover Chili with leftover ground turkey and Mac and cheese
Some small bit of ice-cream
Basketball with the guys
So sore from KB swings
Eggs and toast, coffee
trail mix, coffee
Turkey sandwich, carrot sticks (at like 11)
trail mix, coffee
Piles of spinach and green beens with bacon (don't judge)
I gotta hydrate more and dehydrate less
20 min AMRAP:
5 pull-ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
I did 20 rounds 4 pull-ups. I beat the next highest girl on day by 2 whole rounds.
And sacrificed being able to shower without pain for it.
Avocado on toast
sausage, egg, and cheese on a role
trail mix
turkey sandwich, carrot sticks, trail mix
trail mix
3 eggs scrambled with fancy cheese and salsa on top, 1/4 pound of bacon, 2 pieces of toast
Work has been intense= I inadvertently consume more coffee because I need to take breaks and go directly to the coffee machine by habit
Need to work on that
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Two is Company
Yay! Hi Annalisa!
Yesterday before you called, I went to Boyles! It was a good day for small improvements :) Some new PRs:
Trap Bar Deadlifts: 155#
Chin-ups: 4-in-a-row! (pretty much all the way down haha)
Cleans: 105#
roll out, knee resistance band exercises, planks,
leg swings, dyn stretch, skips, etc.
warmup circuit:
3x 6 each leg 1-legged lateral hurdle jumps, stick landing
2x 10 each side wall ball lateral throws with step
2x 5 each leg medicine ball overhead throws with step
3x 3 cleans (95-100-105)
2x 8 sumo squat curl pressout (8-12 kg)
2x 8 standing in-line chop (20R)
3x 6-8-6 trap bar DL (145, 150, 155#)
3x 4 chin ups (4 real ones!, 1 real + 6 with help, 1 real + 4 with help)
2x 10 leg lowers R-L-R
2x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (20x10 whoops, 22.5, 22.5#)
3x 6 single leg squats (5s, 7.5s, 7.5# DBs)
2x 25sec standing anti-rotation (20R)
8x 30sec on 15 off slideboards
catch my breath, or as Kerri might say, "crawl home with twitchy legs" - status
Food was a heap of pasta with cabbage, mushrooms, home-sprouted bean sprouts, tomatoes, celery.
With baked chicken marinated in spices and soysauce.
A bunch of pickled cucumbers - a Mrs. Hsieh special :)
and Grapefruit
Today my head hurt too much so I came home instead of going to the gym :/ I was so ready to workout too! but trying to be safe about head explosions so no running today!
Yesterday before you called, I went to Boyles! It was a good day for small improvements :) Some new PRs:
Trap Bar Deadlifts: 155#
Chin-ups: 4-in-a-row! (pretty much all the way down haha)
Cleans: 105#
roll out, knee resistance band exercises, planks,
leg swings, dyn stretch, skips, etc.
warmup circuit:
3x 6 each leg 1-legged lateral hurdle jumps, stick landing
2x 10 each side wall ball lateral throws with step
2x 5 each leg medicine ball overhead throws with step
3x 3 cleans (95-100-105)
2x 8 sumo squat curl pressout (8-12 kg)
2x 8 standing in-line chop (20R)
3x 6-8-6 trap bar DL (145, 150, 155#)
3x 4 chin ups (4 real ones!, 1 real + 6 with help, 1 real + 4 with help)
2x 10 leg lowers R-L-R
2x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (20x10 whoops, 22.5, 22.5#)
3x 6 single leg squats (5s, 7.5s, 7.5# DBs)
2x 25sec standing anti-rotation (20R)
8x 30sec on 15 off slideboards
catch my breath, or as Kerri might say, "crawl home with twitchy legs" - status
Food was a heap of pasta with cabbage, mushrooms, home-sprouted bean sprouts, tomatoes, celery.
With baked chicken marinated in spices and soysauce.
A bunch of pickled cucumbers - a Mrs. Hsieh special :)
and Grapefruit
Today my head hurt too much so I came home instead of going to the gym :/ I was so ready to workout too! but trying to be safe about head explosions so no running today!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Emhsieh I am here with you
I really have to get back on this train. It's so good for helping me make myself eat more and better.
Workout: 1 RM front squat: 165 # (10# PR woot!!)
But couldn't do the training because the classes were running over and I was there on my lunch break and had a 1:00 meeting :(
Then I coached for 2 hours at night and let me tell you: yelling is a workout
toast probably for breakfast
trail mix
turkey sandwich and carrots
stir-fry with a bajillion green things and ground turkey
Nada on the workout
Eggs with cheese and mushrooms and toast
pretzels and humus (only a little left) sugared almonds and turkey sandwich
1/3 blueberry donut
BOATLOAD OF FOOOD FOR DINNER, including: FATTIEST MAC AND CHEESE EVER, chili, and GreenBeans, and chocolate chip cookies, wine, and a plethora (3) of beer consumed over 2 games of settlers
1 hour of fun soccer
Eggs, cheese, toast and avocado
2 sausage and leftover mac and cheese
chili, toast
1 clean as heavy as possible every 30 sec for 7 min
@ 115#
8 min AMRAP:
7 Deadlifts @ 155#
35 double-unders
3 and 19 du
2 egg tacos
trailmix guy
turkey sandwich and carrot sticks, coffee
mini-granola bar
2 tacos
mac and cheese for night snack
I really have to get back on this train. It's so good for helping me make myself eat more and better.
Workout: 1 RM front squat: 165 # (10# PR woot!!)
But couldn't do the training because the classes were running over and I was there on my lunch break and had a 1:00 meeting :(
Then I coached for 2 hours at night and let me tell you: yelling is a workout
toast probably for breakfast
trail mix
turkey sandwich and carrots
stir-fry with a bajillion green things and ground turkey
Nada on the workout
Eggs with cheese and mushrooms and toast
pretzels and humus (only a little left) sugared almonds and turkey sandwich
1/3 blueberry donut
BOATLOAD OF FOOOD FOR DINNER, including: FATTIEST MAC AND CHEESE EVER, chili, and GreenBeans, and chocolate chip cookies, wine, and a plethora (3) of beer consumed over 2 games of settlers
1 hour of fun soccer
Eggs, cheese, toast and avocado
2 sausage and leftover mac and cheese
chili, toast
1 clean as heavy as possible every 30 sec for 7 min
@ 115#
8 min AMRAP:
7 Deadlifts @ 155#
35 double-unders
3 and 19 du
2 egg tacos
trailmix guy
turkey sandwich and carrot sticks, coffee
mini-granola bar
2 tacos
mac and cheese for night snack
The fellowship has broken
Gimli: Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed.
Aragorn: Not if we hold true to each other... Not while we have strength left.
Friends? friends? are you there?
Yesterday, Sunday 1/27/13 I went to the New England ref society AGM. That was cool, except that I only slept for 4 hours and it was a looong meeting. Free (average) lunch provided courtesy of Resident Inn though. Then I drove 10min to Westborough to play bball with Chinese school dad's + my (brother's) friend, Mike! (who's brother I went to prom with.)
2 hrs pickup basketball
1 hr dodgeball
so. tired.
After Chinese school ends, some kids do extracurricular stuff so there were 5 little pee-wee kids who came to the gym afterwards and we played adult v kids dodgeball. I accidently pegged some little children- 1 in the face. tg it was those soft air foam balls! i felt really bad... but they weren't holding back either! oops. also it was terribly hard to watch my foul language after all these years of rugby songs ha. but i behaved myself (minus the headshot)... it's so hard they were all 3 feet tall!
then i promptly passed out at 8pm and slept for 12 hours, only to wake up still tired. hahah. had a dream that I was playing rugby in the rolling green hills of NZ though!
Aragorn: Not if we hold true to each other... Not while we have strength left.
Friends? friends? are you there?
Yesterday, Sunday 1/27/13 I went to the New England ref society AGM. That was cool, except that I only slept for 4 hours and it was a looong meeting. Free (average) lunch provided courtesy of Resident Inn though. Then I drove 10min to Westborough to play bball with Chinese school dad's + my (brother's) friend, Mike! (who's brother I went to prom with.)
2 hrs pickup basketball
1 hr dodgeball
so. tired.
After Chinese school ends, some kids do extracurricular stuff so there were 5 little pee-wee kids who came to the gym afterwards and we played adult v kids dodgeball. I accidently pegged some little children- 1 in the face. tg it was those soft air foam balls! i felt really bad... but they weren't holding back either! oops. also it was terribly hard to watch my foul language after all these years of rugby songs ha. but i behaved myself (minus the headshot)... it's so hard they were all 3 feet tall!
then i promptly passed out at 8pm and slept for 12 hours, only to wake up still tired. hahah. had a dream that I was playing rugby in the rolling green hills of NZ though!
Friday, January 25, 2013
21 is a large number
I severely underestimated how many multiples of 1, 21 is. (I can't imagine ever doing 75 pull-ups, Annalisa)
Today I went to your xfit website (a link for the friends we've lost) and decided to do Saturdays WOD. Because Friday's wod had a lot of things I felt would look silly on me trying to do at the office gym. Like split jumps. They look like something out of a dance video. And I have horrible rowing form. Lots of excuses I know...
1 mile < 10 min warmup
3 rounds for time:
21 thrusters 45#
21 burpees (with push ups - pancakes - push ups again)
21 kettlebell swings 25# DB
HR ~180
My thoughts: omg. wow. 21 is such a large number!! never have I ever done thrusters. they are way harder when in sets of 21!!! it's been over 2 months since last I lifted something more than 12 reps. wow. I did not expect this to be as hard as it was. hahaha this is what I get for not doing a real xfit wod for such a long period of time. I also only realized now that this was only the conditioning part of the workout. and I didn't read about the 7 min of snatches. whoops.
13min abs
30min casual elliptical chat with a guy who likes to talk a lot (reminds me of elliptical man at the omac who wore a headband and wouldn't stop talking but was old so I felt like I had to humor him for hours)
more thoughts: leg lifts are way harder with no hands under my butt. I also lose about ~1# every workout. typically 140-142ish before and 139-140 after! I have not elliptical-ed for that long since 10th grade high school gym class.
bfast and lunch the usual: bagel for bfast and last night's leftovers for lunch.
dinner: pineapple, mixed rices, seaweed, buddha's fist melon / chayote, leftover eggplant & beets, leftover chicken bits and spiced pork, same soup with winter melons again. delicious mmm
Today I went to your xfit website (a link for the friends we've lost) and decided to do Saturdays WOD. Because Friday's wod had a lot of things I felt would look silly on me trying to do at the office gym. Like split jumps. They look like something out of a dance video. And I have horrible rowing form. Lots of excuses I know...
1 mile < 10 min warmup
3 rounds for time:
21 thrusters 45#
21 burpees (with push ups - pancakes - push ups again)
21 kettlebell swings 25# DB
HR ~180
My thoughts: omg. wow. 21 is such a large number!! never have I ever done thrusters. they are way harder when in sets of 21!!! it's been over 2 months since last I lifted something more than 12 reps. wow. I did not expect this to be as hard as it was. hahaha this is what I get for not doing a real xfit wod for such a long period of time. I also only realized now that this was only the conditioning part of the workout. and I didn't read about the 7 min of snatches. whoops.
13min abs
30min casual elliptical chat with a guy who likes to talk a lot (reminds me of elliptical man at the omac who wore a headband and wouldn't stop talking but was old so I felt like I had to humor him for hours)
more thoughts: leg lifts are way harder with no hands under my butt. I also lose about ~1# every workout. typically 140-142ish before and 139-140 after! I have not elliptical-ed for that long since 10th grade high school gym class.
bfast and lunch the usual: bagel for bfast and last night's leftovers for lunch.
dinner: pineapple, mixed rices, seaweed, buddha's fist melon / chayote, leftover eggplant & beets, leftover chicken bits and spiced pork, same soup with winter melons again. delicious mmm
So this week was a bit hard
Application stress + job frustration + housing stress + freezing temps after the beautiful NC weekend = Annalisa didn't go to crossfit until 1/24
Should have gone earlier as it is the best stress relief known to man, but alas... life goes.
Successfully survived re-entry into the workplace, but was going to a talk by Fred Kaplan at the New America NYC with T-dawg
Should have gone earlier as it is the best stress relief known to man, but alas... life goes.
Successfully survived re-entry into the workplace, but was going to a talk by Fred Kaplan at the New America NYC with T-dawg
squintiest of squinty eyes |
and work was a bit nuts, so no xfit for Annalisa :(
Toast (i think)
Coffee, water
Turkey and cheese sandwich and carrot sticks, coffee
Delicious chicken kebab sammy
Small app freakout -- no xfit or basketball for Annalisa :(
Sugar and coffee for breakfast
turkey sandwich and carrot sticks
Toast and a sausage
Some icecream
Peanut-butter, sugar and pretzels
A massive salad with snow peas, carrots, celery, tuna, cheese and other things
WORKOUT (finally):
EMOM for 5 min:
5 High hang cleans @ 85 # (light, but I'm going for beauty here)
35 double-unders 40 tuckjumps (I couldn't do rx the whole way or woulda gone over the time cap)
75 burpees
75 pull-ups
some day when I have real double-unders this will be close to 10:00
1 egg in a corn tortilla
2 trail mix guys with yogurt bits
Turkey sandwich, carrot sticks
2 granola bars, pretzel stick
Pile of broccoli with a pile of ground turkey on top
Thursday, January 24, 2013
1/23 + 1.24
Mixed rices, pork, noodles, cauliflower w tomatoes, tofu w eggs & vegetarian oysters, soy beans, other seeds.
Today (Thursday 1/24/2012) I ran 3 miles at the office gym, and also overcame my dislike of socks that go past my ankles! what a plesant surprise! I wore black ski-socks to work because I could, and they doubled as great crew-height socks for running when folded down! I used to hate wearing socks greater than or equal to ankle socks but not including tall socks worn for sports. woohoo!
3 miles < 30 min
HR 186
Some stretching
13 minutes abs
Roll out, resistance band knee exercises, dynamic stretch, jumps
3x3-3 single leg hurdle: 3 hops to the right, 3 to the left. repeat on other foot
2x8 wall ball lateral throws with step. both sides
2x5 med ball overhead, toss at wall with step. both sides
Sprint work:
3 cones in a line each 5 meters apart. Start at middle cone facing the wall, explode to side cone in 3 steps without turning body (sort of lateral running), good body position for turn, set feet for turn and explode out 10m to far cone. 3 from each side
3x 8-8-6 snatch (45,55,65) -- yay! never done barbell snatches before!
3x 10 toe-touch-squat (12# ball)
2x 8 standing in-line-lift (17R)
3x 6-8-8 bench (95, 90, 90)
3x 8 RFE squats (60, 70, 70)
2x 20sec lat band stretch
3x 8 TRX row
3x 8 2DB SLDL (40, 45, 45)
3x 8 dynamic push-pull w cables (15, 16, 16 R)
6x 30 on, 30 off slideboards
Today (Thursday 1/24/2012) I ran 3 miles at the office gym, and also overcame my dislike of socks that go past my ankles! what a plesant surprise! I wore black ski-socks to work because I could, and they doubled as great crew-height socks for running when folded down! I used to hate wearing socks greater than or equal to ankle socks but not including tall socks worn for sports. woohoo!
3 miles < 30 min
HR 186
Some stretching
13 minutes abs
winter melon soup made with pineapple hearts, apples + pears, spiced pork, yu cai + chinese cabbage, beets, peanuts, celery + mushroom stem + five spice tofu
I promise I didn't die-- just had a small freak out for DO applications yesterday so no workout. Will put workout info up tonight after I do it... PLUS I'm coaching 3 classes tomorrow evening: WOOOOOOOT!
I promise I didn't die-- just had a small freak out for DO applications yesterday so no workout. Will put workout info up tonight after I do it... PLUS I'm coaching 3 classes tomorrow evening: WOOOOOOOT!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
In which I out sprint a pre-pubescent boy
Dear Annalisa,
Hi! Yesterday I went to Boyles again and did a similar workout to all my Monday workouts. Before the main lift we also did sprint-chases in which I was velcro-ed to a highschool boy and we chased each other around. He was my partner because all ~10 other Beantown ruggers were absent. I wonder why they skip so regularly after paying a not-so-cheap-but-maybe-less-than-xfit-membership price. It's times like these when I wish my rugby playing days weren't over so when I get back on the pitch my fitness efforts could be validated. But that's a selfish and ego-seeking mindset - I should be happy with appreciating my own fitness :) It's just... when they're going to Eagles camps and stuff I'm still a little envious. It's ok I'm going to be an Olympic ref so I should stop comparing myself to them! (Oh yeah, me and Adria got certified on Saturday! hahahaha I feel like we are still SO not qualified to ref.)
10min foam rollers + stretches + resistance band knee exercises
Dynamic warmup, including animal walks that are not so different from Kerri's
3x 6 hurdle hops, 2 feet hop with double jump between hurdles, stick last landing
2x 8 wall ball throw - in staggered sprint start facing the wall, holding ball near hips, explode off back foot and thrust ball at wall
6x sprint chases: me and Tom, a high school boy, were clipped into a tether that was velcroed in the middle. There was some slack in the line. When the person in back said go, the person in front tried to "get away" and break the line. He never broke it. I broke it. I'm faster than a pre-pubescent boy woohoo!
3x 3 cleans (95, 95, 100)
2x 8 standing in-line chop (20R)
2x 8 sumo curl pressout (8-12 kg)
3x 8-12-8 trap bar DL (145, 145, 150)
3x 5-6-5 Chin ups (with resistance band help)
2x 10 leg lowers
3x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (20)
3x 6 SL squats (10)
2x 20 sec standing anti-rotation (18R)
6x Suicides
Sprint 15, back, sprint 10, back, spring 5, back. 3 facing wall side, 3 facing mirror side (working on exploding out of turns off each leg)
Come visit and dine with me post-workouts! |
lotr themed dishes from our (Adria, Nomes, Nik, Adam, Em) epic lotr weekend:
Elevensies |
Lembas Bread |
Complete with Mallorn Leaf |
Coney Stew |
In all its glory |
Dear EmHsieh,
It's so saad that we've lost our friends. Still-- this is motivating me to workout on weekends and eat better, so I say we keep it up.
Congrats on powering through those long and complex workouts. I can't do that much anymore.
I went to NC this weekend
and didn't workout in the strict sense, but I'll document below.
Woulda gone to the gym in the morning for the banded jerk progressions, but had to do apartment/lease stuff
2 Eggs and toast for bfast, coffee
Turkey sandwich and carrot sticks for lunch
A few oreos, a lot of good and plenty and a bite of milky way (airport snacks)
A massive burger with fried clam strips and bacon on it, french fries, 2 pints some delicious stout
3-4 mile river hike with goat, assorted dogs and humans
intense fooseball playing
Coffee, 1/2 banana and chocolate chip muffin
1/3 6 egg mushroom, spinach, swiss and onion scramble, toast, many strawberries
3 amazing tacos, rice and beans and chips and salsa
1 Hickory (think BBQ) porter, 1 sweet potato ale, 1/2 honey ale
1 left hand milk stout, 1/4 plate garlic fries, 1/4 plate nachos
Casual frisbee, handstands, horsing around
Coffee, Oreos
3 homemade cranberry scones, lots of fresh pineapple chunks, 3 egg scramble with mushrooms, spinach, cheddar and avacado and tomato on top, coffee
Chips and guac
"Hobo dinner" = meat chunks and veggie chunks with dale's sauce wrapped up in tinfoil and thrown in the bonfire, 1 tall-boy Gansett
3 hours of moving bricks
Casual frisbee and handstands
2 leftover scones, coffee, 1 banana
After moving the bricks, we were hungry--- we wanted to go to this place in Durham: Dame's chicken and waffles, but they said there was a 45 min wait-- so we went down the block and had a first round
Lunch #1: 1 sandwich with cured salmon, pickled onions, watercress and lemon aioli
Lunch #2: 2 legs fried chicken on a classic waffle with blueberry schmear ( yeah, I ate it all)
Airport Beer: some dark seasonal thing, big girl cup
And then our flight was delayed 4 hours
Dinner: Some BBQ beef, baked beans, mac and cheese, and cornbread, and 2.5 more beers -- hit up all 3 bars in the terminal because we had the time
And it looks like because of work, I won't be able to make it to the gym today :(
And tomorrow will be deathly (the workouts posted).
I'm ready for an ass kicking.
It's so saad that we've lost our friends. Still-- this is motivating me to workout on weekends and eat better, so I say we keep it up.
Congrats on powering through those long and complex workouts. I can't do that much anymore.
I went to NC this weekend
and didn't workout in the strict sense, but I'll document below.
Woulda gone to the gym in the morning for the banded jerk progressions, but had to do apartment/lease stuff
2 Eggs and toast for bfast, coffee
Turkey sandwich and carrot sticks for lunch
A few oreos, a lot of good and plenty and a bite of milky way (airport snacks)
A massive burger with fried clam strips and bacon on it, french fries, 2 pints some delicious stout
3-4 mile river hike with goat, assorted dogs and humans
intense fooseball playing
Coffee, 1/2 banana and chocolate chip muffin
1/3 6 egg mushroom, spinach, swiss and onion scramble, toast, many strawberries
3 amazing tacos, rice and beans and chips and salsa
1 Hickory (think BBQ) porter, 1 sweet potato ale, 1/2 honey ale
1 left hand milk stout, 1/4 plate garlic fries, 1/4 plate nachos
Casual frisbee, handstands, horsing around
Coffee, Oreos
3 homemade cranberry scones, lots of fresh pineapple chunks, 3 egg scramble with mushrooms, spinach, cheddar and avacado and tomato on top, coffee
Chips and guac
"Hobo dinner" = meat chunks and veggie chunks with dale's sauce wrapped up in tinfoil and thrown in the bonfire, 1 tall-boy Gansett
3 hours of moving bricks
Casual frisbee and handstands
2 leftover scones, coffee, 1 banana
After moving the bricks, we were hungry--- we wanted to go to this place in Durham: Dame's chicken and waffles, but they said there was a 45 min wait-- so we went down the block and had a first round
Lunch #1: 1 sandwich with cured salmon, pickled onions, watercress and lemon aioli
Lunch #2: 2 legs fried chicken on a classic waffle with blueberry schmear ( yeah, I ate it all)
Airport Beer: some dark seasonal thing, big girl cup
And then our flight was delayed 4 hours
Dinner: Some BBQ beef, baked beans, mac and cheese, and cornbread, and 2.5 more beers -- hit up all 3 bars in the terminal because we had the time
And it looks like because of work, I won't be able to make it to the gym today :(
And tomorrow will be deathly (the workouts posted).
I'm ready for an ass kicking.
Friday, January 18, 2013
ems wods 1/16-1/17
1/16 boyles:
roll out, stability drills, dyn stretch, skips
3x6 1 leg hurdle, double skip in between, repeat on other leg
2x10 wall ball chest throws w hip explosion
3x5 DB snatch (35#)
2x10 med ball toe-touch-to-squat (12#)
2x10 iso-lunge in-line chop (10-12Resistance)
1x6 DB bench (70#) <-- waaaay too much, also was supposed to do regular bench
2x6 bench (95#)
3x6-10-6 RFE split squat each leg (60,60,70#)
2x20 sec lat band stretch R-L-R (right-left-right)
3x10 TRX row
3x8 SLDL (25#)
2x12 standing push-pull (14Resistance)
8x 30m suicides twice up-and-back (120m total, 4 facing one way for turns, 4 facing the other)
Ran 4.8 miles by accident. meant to run ~3 but we didn't know when to turn around
grapes and orange
muscles and shrimp (mmm i love seafood!)
unknown vegetable (really, my mom didn't even know. she said "hm, don't know, a leafy green vegetable")
wheat gluten, wood fungus and more (those are the names! i checked google!)
soup with pork balls (instead of fish balls), veggie ball-type things, white radish, vegetarian ham, other veggies, etc.
edit: deleted that pic... because my coworker found the blog and tends to save pics for future blackmail whoops
roll out, stability drills, dyn stretch, skips
3x6 1 leg hurdle, double skip in between, repeat on other leg
2x10 wall ball chest throws w hip explosion
3x5 DB snatch (35#)
2x10 med ball toe-touch-to-squat (12#)
2x10 iso-lunge in-line chop (10-12Resistance)
1x6 DB bench (70#) <-- waaaay too much, also was supposed to do regular bench
2x6 bench (95#)
3x6-10-6 RFE split squat each leg (60,60,70#)
2x20 sec lat band stretch R-L-R (right-left-right)
3x10 TRX row
3x8 SLDL (25#)
2x12 standing push-pull (14Resistance)
8x 30m suicides twice up-and-back (120m total, 4 facing one way for turns, 4 facing the other)
Ran 4.8 miles by accident. meant to run ~3 but we didn't know when to turn around
grapes and orange
muscles and shrimp (mmm i love seafood!)
unknown vegetable (really, my mom didn't even know. she said "hm, don't know, a leafy green vegetable")
wheat gluten, wood fungus and more (those are the names! i checked google!)
soup with pork balls (instead of fish balls), veggie ball-type things, white radish, vegetarian ham, other veggies, etc.
edit: deleted that pic... because my coworker found the blog and tends to save pics for future blackmail whoops
EMOM for 7 rounds:
1 power snatch
3 heaving snatch balances <--- my FAVORITE
5 Rounds for total Reps of:
2min AMRAP:
30 jumping split squats
20 sit ups
15 push ups
1 min rest
510 !!!!
1 piece of toast with peanut butter
1 trail mix guy
Coffee, Tea
1 turkey sandwich, 1 carrot carrotsticks
Hot Chocolate
2 handfuls mixed nuts
A massive salad with tuna, cheese, avocado, carrots, green pepper, and celery goodness
a few spoonfuls of icecream
EMOM for 7 rounds:
1 power snatch
3 heaving snatch balances <--- my FAVORITE
5 Rounds for total Reps of:
2min AMRAP:
30 jumping split squats
20 sit ups
15 push ups
1 min rest
510 !!!!
1 piece of toast with peanut butter
1 trail mix guy
Coffee, Tea
1 turkey sandwich, 1 carrot carrotsticks
Hot Chocolate
2 handfuls mixed nuts
A massive salad with tuna, cheese, avocado, carrots, green pepper, and celery goodness
a few spoonfuls of icecream
Thursday, January 17, 2013
lovely ladies make life better
Tues 1/15/2013
I was a laaaameooo. And took a day off.
Did play to games of Settlers of Catan (which is a workout for your brain). I lost once to Thal (what?) and once to Mark<-- blaming it on Battlestar Gallactica that was playing in the background
I ate things I can't remember anymore, but definitely it included:
Coffee, trailmix
Lunch #1: 1 turkey sandwhich
Lunch #2: 1 footlong subway chicken guy
Snack: 3 large chocolate chip cookies
Dinner: 1 plate ridiculously cheap veggie and shrimp lo mien
Wed 1/16/2013
Wasn't feeling it, and then went to the gym at lunch and had a cutie workout buddy and it got better
10 min to warm up to 85% backsquat
EMOM for 7 rounds: 3 high bar backsquats @ 155#
3 RFT:
7 chest to bar pullups
7 ringdips
15 KB swings @ 24kg
50 Double Unders
Rest 1:1
15:00 min time cap
Because I ain't got no Double Under skillz ( I get every-other for 10-15) I DNF (2 rounds + 4 ring dips)
I am proud to say that chest to bar pull-up I can beast. My ring dips are shaky and I have to use a band for stabilization after about 4, but MUSCLE-UP HERE I COME!
2 of my 3 jump-ropes are out of commission. I've got to dig out the third. (I'm hoping I brought it to NY)
Played basketball after work but was sucking so bad-- I couldn't call it a real workout.
First Bfast: 1 piece of peanut butter toast
2nd Bfast: Sausage egg and cheese on a roll and more coffee
Lunch: Leftover rice and stir-fried veggies
More Coffee
Dinner: a massive mound of steamed broccholi topped with a massive mound of sausage
Dessert: Bowl of icecream
I was a laaaameooo. And took a day off.
Did play to games of Settlers of Catan (which is a workout for your brain). I lost once to Thal (what?) and once to Mark<-- blaming it on Battlestar Gallactica that was playing in the background
I ate things I can't remember anymore, but definitely it included:
Coffee, trailmix
Lunch #1: 1 turkey sandwhich
Lunch #2: 1 footlong subway chicken guy
Snack: 3 large chocolate chip cookies
Dinner: 1 plate ridiculously cheap veggie and shrimp lo mien
Wed 1/16/2013
Wasn't feeling it, and then went to the gym at lunch and had a cutie workout buddy and it got better
10 min to warm up to 85% backsquat
EMOM for 7 rounds: 3 high bar backsquats @ 155#
3 RFT:
7 chest to bar pullups
7 ringdips
15 KB swings @ 24kg
50 Double Unders
Rest 1:1
15:00 min time cap
Because I ain't got no Double Under skillz ( I get every-other for 10-15) I DNF (2 rounds + 4 ring dips)
I am proud to say that chest to bar pull-up I can beast. My ring dips are shaky and I have to use a band for stabilization after about 4, but MUSCLE-UP HERE I COME!
2 of my 3 jump-ropes are out of commission. I've got to dig out the third. (I'm hoping I brought it to NY)
Played basketball after work but was sucking so bad-- I couldn't call it a real workout.
First Bfast: 1 piece of peanut butter toast
2nd Bfast: Sausage egg and cheese on a roll and more coffee
Lunch: Leftover rice and stir-fried veggies
More Coffee
Dinner: a massive mound of steamed broccholi topped with a massive mound of sausage
Dessert: Bowl of icecream
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I'm bad at blogging.
But not so bad at moving about.
I've been swimmin' steady for about 45 minutes, twice per week.
And rehabbin twice per week. I'm tired of rehab. So very tired.
I went to play basketball tonight with Mai, Meesh, and other various friends. Lots of fun. Lots of sore. and it felt good to move around and push my knee.
Will definitely be participating in future gatherings.
No soccer yet though. Don't wanna get ahead of myself.
If anyone wants to swim, I'll be going again on Friday afternoon. Hit me up. :D
I've been swimmin' steady for about 45 minutes, twice per week.
And rehabbin twice per week. I'm tired of rehab. So very tired.
I went to play basketball tonight with Mai, Meesh, and other various friends. Lots of fun. Lots of sore. and it felt good to move around and push my knee.
Will definitely be participating in future gatherings.
No soccer yet though. Don't wanna get ahead of myself.
If anyone wants to swim, I'll be going again on Friday afternoon. Hit me up. :D
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Burpee Death
The short version:
No good treadmills
No socks
Burpee Death
13min Abs reincarnation
The long version:
730: Today I left work at 7:30 thinking ughhh work (maybe echoing your sentiment a little, schmanna) but silly Emhsieh - just do a quick workout! I thought.
No good treadmills: All 2 good treadmills at office gym were taken. Plan was to run 3 miles. but no worries Em, just do another workout yayyy!
No socks: nooo I forgot socks! but that's a bad excuse Emily - you don't need socks!
No hairbrush: oops, but why does that matter? i'll just rock messy workout hair
Mile: warmed up with a 9min mile. bad treadmill = smack hands on poorly designed and placed handholds frequently and painfully.
Burpee Death: 100 burpees for time (w overhead jump clap)
25 with pushups
25 with nothing
25 with pancakes
25 with pushups
Time: 8:51
HR: 172
Thoughts: ugh, my worst time yet since the first time I started tracking my times in June... but I guess the last time was 10/32 (not a real date, but that's what it says) so the first time of 2013 not bad!
Burpee Death: have you guys ever heard of Fan Death? I think I've come as close to burpee death as it is possible to come close to fan death.
13 Min Abs: I live! Alive enough to do abs. At this point there is only 1 other person in the office gym and he has the biggest pouffiest mustache I've ever seen irl.
DONE: 40min.
So yeah, there I am! With a dopey mouth open look - trying to smile and say hello because I'm not visiting friends in Provi this weekend! And yup, there's the food that is now all in my stomach. Don't know what these things are called in English but if you wanna find out and enjoy tasty meals with me COME VISIT and my mom and I will cook for youuu! (the gym pic photoshoot was followed shortly after with my first ever selfie-mirror-abs-shot, complete with quad flex. available upon request, because I am embarrassed that I took such a myspace-y photo and am admitting it here)
Off to do ref certifying online courses!
No good treadmills
No socks
Burpee Death
13min Abs reincarnation
The long version:
730: Today I left work at 7:30 thinking ughhh work (maybe echoing your sentiment a little, schmanna) but silly Emhsieh - just do a quick workout! I thought.
No good treadmills: All 2 good treadmills at office gym were taken. Plan was to run 3 miles. but no worries Em, just do another workout yayyy!
No socks: nooo I forgot socks! but that's a bad excuse Emily - you don't need socks!
No hairbrush: oops, but why does that matter? i'll just rock messy workout hair
Mile: warmed up with a 9min mile. bad treadmill = smack hands on poorly designed and placed handholds frequently and painfully.
Burpee Death: 100 burpees for time (w overhead jump clap)
25 with pushups
25 with nothing
25 with pancakes
25 with pushups
Time: 8:51
HR: 172
Thoughts: ugh, my worst time yet since the first time I started tracking my times in June... but I guess the last time was 10/32 (not a real date, but that's what it says) so the first time of 2013 not bad!
Burpee Death: have you guys ever heard of Fan Death? I think I've come as close to burpee death as it is possible to come close to fan death.
13 Min Abs: I live! Alive enough to do abs. At this point there is only 1 other person in the office gym and he has the biggest pouffiest mustache I've ever seen irl.
DONE: 40min.
Me looking alive but feeling dead. |
Small glimpse of my spoiled life at home. Dinner waiting for me :) |
So yeah, there I am! With a dopey mouth open look - trying to smile and say hello because I'm not visiting friends in Provi this weekend! And yup, there's the food that is now all in my stomach. Don't know what these things are called in English but if you wanna find out and enjoy tasty meals with me COME VISIT and my mom and I will cook for youuu! (the gym pic photoshoot was followed shortly after with my first ever selfie-mirror-abs-shot, complete with quad flex. available upon request, because I am embarrassed that I took such a myspace-y photo and am admitting it here)
Off to do ref certifying online courses!
Yesterday was slow at work and fun at home. I dislike offices so much. Even as I believe what we do is important.
Work out:
EveryMinuteOntheMinute for 5:
2 snatches @ ~80% (I admit I was being a chicken, I only did 75#)
2 min AMRAP @ same weight: 11-- only missed 1.
But then Met/con:
5 rounds for total time and total cal
30 sec Row for Cal
5 chest to bar pullups
5 hand release pushups (subs for 5 MU cuz I aint got the skillz yet)
5 Power Snatch @ 75# <-- weird how much easier these snatches get when not full squat
Rest one minute
14:12 + 49 cal
2 fried eggs and toast
2 packets trail mix
Turkey sandwich and a Pear, coffee
Coffee, trail mix, 1 handful almonds
Veggie stirfry with rice on a bed of bacon (don't judge)
Probably going to take the day off today to work on DO applications, but will post food tomorrow
Yesterday was slow at work and fun at home. I dislike offices so much. Even as I believe what we do is important.
Work out:
EveryMinuteOntheMinute for 5:
2 snatches @ ~80% (I admit I was being a chicken, I only did 75#)
2 min AMRAP @ same weight: 11-- only missed 1.
But then Met/con:
5 rounds for total time and total cal
30 sec Row for Cal
5 chest to bar pullups
5 hand release pushups (subs for 5 MU cuz I aint got the skillz yet)
5 Power Snatch @ 75# <-- weird how much easier these snatches get when not full squat
Rest one minute
14:12 + 49 cal
2 fried eggs and toast
2 packets trail mix
Turkey sandwich and a Pear, coffee
Coffee, trail mix, 1 handful almonds
Veggie stirfry with rice on a bed of bacon (don't judge)
Probably going to take the day off today to work on DO applications, but will post food tomorrow
Sorry I suck
Hi friends-
Sorry I suck.
The Nonviolence GED program I've been working on at The Institute finally kicked off and I am
and stressed
but in a good way
as well as BWRFC things.
That said-
I haven't worked out as much
and I've been drinking a bit more lol
but still eating relatively healthy.
I've been slacking on eating my 5 small meals a day too :(
It ends up being 3-4.
But because I don't have too many shitty things to eat at my house I can only really grab for a rice cake and cottage cheese.
The drinking though has been more, relative.
Had a benefit concert for The Institute and wined it up there and then last night went to a bar with my boss, her sister, friends, and Lorena.
So there are those things.
I'll get back to being more consistent throughout this week.
Today's NOMS
Sorry I suck.
The Nonviolence GED program I've been working on at The Institute finally kicked off and I am
and stressed
but in a good way
as well as BWRFC things.
That said-
I haven't worked out as much
and I've been drinking a bit more lol
but still eating relatively healthy.
I've been slacking on eating my 5 small meals a day too :(
It ends up being 3-4.
But because I don't have too many shitty things to eat at my house I can only really grab for a rice cake and cottage cheese.
The drinking though has been more, relative.
Had a benefit concert for The Institute and wined it up there and then last night went to a bar with my boss, her sister, friends, and Lorena.
So there are those things.
I'll get back to being more consistent throughout this week.
Today's NOMS
- coffee
- vermicelli noodles with tofu, green beans, carrots, and a peanut sauce
- rice cakes and nonfat yogurt
- and to be continued- lol
I've also run out of food stamps a tad cause Syd's been out of school and I've been supporting her a tad. But it evens out.
Glad folks are contributing :)
Miss you guys
Wish we could all work out together, eat together, and be less stressed together from our work lives, lolz.
Boiled (verb): I went to Body by Boyles, and it was 60F outside whattt?
Roll out & stretch
Dynamic warmup (kicks, lunges, skips focusing on drives, etc)
Ladder lateral work
3x10 diagonal lateral bounds, stuck landings
2x8 standing wall ball lateral hip throws
3x5 Cleans (90, 90, 95)
2x10 Iso lunge chop (knee up)
2x10 Sumo squat pressout (12kg/26.4# kettlebell)
3x6-6-12 trapbar deadlift (125x6, 135x6, 145x12) ... need to establish max *cough* annalisa
3x5 chin ups (3-1-1, 2-1-1-1, 5 with resistance band help)
2x10 resistance band leg lowers R-L-R
2x8 1/2 kneeling 1 arm DB press (20, 22.5), 1x20 pushups (something happened to back muscles, couldn't do 3rd set)
3x5 elevated single leg squats (15#)
2x25s standing anti-rotation hold
7x 20 touches slide board + 30sec rest
ROLL back muscles
Bfast: always eat a bagel
Lunch: always leftovers from last night
Dinner: mom's cooking is awesome. Today it was a pork dish, eggplant dish, spinach-ish dish, peanuts dish, pork w spiced cucumbers dish, rice. mmm. oh, and always eat fruit first before the meal-last night: strawberries, grapes, apples. i'm spoiled.
Snacks: a variation of lots of things I have at work in my cube: asian crackers #1, asian crackers #2, goldfish, fruit/nut/grain bars, shrimp crackers, wheat snacks (store brand wheat thins), tons of fruit, fruit snacks, cheerios, pretzels, etc. are among things i have had / have now. + lots of water & tea
Yesterday snacks: clementine, banana, fruit bar, asian crackers #2, lots of water
post workout: 139lbs.
I can live with that! must be because of those 10mi from last week! or because the weight was actually new years food. i've finally reached stage 5: acceptance, that i no longer need to be as heavy as can be, because I will never play (contact) rugby again. stage 5 is nice haha
finally: i will work out a good goal + reward + affirmation system for friends soon :)
finally finally: i love the left sidebar workbear mission and wanted to publicly say it. love!
Roll out & stretch
Dynamic warmup (kicks, lunges, skips focusing on drives, etc)
Ladder lateral work
3x10 diagonal lateral bounds, stuck landings
2x8 standing wall ball lateral hip throws
3x5 Cleans (90, 90, 95)
2x10 Iso lunge chop (knee up)
2x10 Sumo squat pressout (12kg/26.4# kettlebell)
3x6-6-12 trapbar deadlift (125x6, 135x6, 145x12) ... need to establish max *cough* annalisa
3x5 chin ups (3-1-1, 2-1-1-1, 5 with resistance band help)
2x10 resistance band leg lowers R-L-R
2x8 1/2 kneeling 1 arm DB press (20, 22.5), 1x20 pushups (something happened to back muscles, couldn't do 3rd set)
3x5 elevated single leg squats (15#)
2x25s standing anti-rotation hold
7x 20 touches slide board + 30sec rest
ROLL back muscles
Bfast: always eat a bagel
Lunch: always leftovers from last night
Dinner: mom's cooking is awesome. Today it was a pork dish, eggplant dish, spinach-ish dish, peanuts dish, pork w spiced cucumbers dish, rice. mmm. oh, and always eat fruit first before the meal-last night: strawberries, grapes, apples. i'm spoiled.
Snacks: a variation of lots of things I have at work in my cube: asian crackers #1, asian crackers #2, goldfish, fruit/nut/grain bars, shrimp crackers, wheat snacks (store brand wheat thins), tons of fruit, fruit snacks, cheerios, pretzels, etc. are among things i have had / have now. + lots of water & tea
Yesterday snacks: clementine, banana, fruit bar, asian crackers #2, lots of water
post workout: 139lbs.
I can live with that! must be because of those 10mi from last week! or because the weight was actually new years food. i've finally reached stage 5: acceptance, that i no longer need to be as heavy as can be, because I will never play (contact) rugby again. stage 5 is nice haha
finally: i will work out a good goal + reward + affirmation system for friends soon :)
finally finally: i love the left sidebar workbear mission and wanted to publicly say it. love!
Monday, January 14, 2013
avoiding computers/indoors
Playing soccer in the park with Thal's work team for 2 hrs
(I can be in the right place at the right time, but execute at about 25% rate #noskillz)
1/2 5 egg omlette with cheddar, mushrooms, onions and spinach, 1 piece toast, coffee
1/2 an eggplant sub from beirkraft, 3 bites turkey sub, >1/2 a growler IPA (spread out over ~5 hours)
1 whole order veggie dumplings (fried), 1/3 garlic eggplant with white rice
I was covering the 3 classes at the gym Sunday. It was a wee bit of a struggle to get up after bierkraft carousing with 3 waves of friends.
(I've turned the corner to old ladyship)
Yelling at everyone else to try harder
Muscle-up skill work-- I can get above the rings I just don't have the dip strength to finish :(
so read: dips
1 piece toast with 1/2 sliced avocado
1 turkey club sandwich (made myself an extra piece of bacon), 2/3 pear, 1/2 handful of cashews, 1 medium bowl ice-cream
1 sesame ball (so convenient to my snacking that Mark Bloom lives in chinatown), 1/2 glass Rockaway Stout
Leftover pasta with veggie sauce
Playing soccer in the park with Thal's work team for 2 hrs
(I can be in the right place at the right time, but execute at about 25% rate #noskillz)
1/2 5 egg omlette with cheddar, mushrooms, onions and spinach, 1 piece toast, coffee
1/2 an eggplant sub from beirkraft, 3 bites turkey sub, >1/2 a growler IPA (spread out over ~5 hours)
1 whole order veggie dumplings (fried), 1/3 garlic eggplant with white rice
I was covering the 3 classes at the gym Sunday. It was a wee bit of a struggle to get up after bierkraft carousing with 3 waves of friends.
(I've turned the corner to old ladyship)
Yelling at everyone else to try harder
Muscle-up skill work-- I can get above the rings I just don't have the dip strength to finish :(
so read: dips
1 piece toast with 1/2 sliced avocado
1 turkey club sandwich (made myself an extra piece of bacon), 2/3 pear, 1/2 handful of cashews, 1 medium bowl ice-cream
1 sesame ball (so convenient to my snacking that Mark Bloom lives in chinatown), 1/2 glass Rockaway Stout
Leftover pasta with veggie sauce
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Future (half) marathon, here I come!
On Thurs I ran 2 mi w a sick friend in the pitch dark around a pond. Hope I don't catch the flu!
Fri + Sat = rest + lotr + nfl + registered for THIS + does anyone wanna go to THIS? (because she rules. video games, violin, sick beats, nerdy, nice, etc -- coming to Provi in Feb!)
Sunday! Ran 3 miles at 10-something pace. Came inside and did 13+min abs to THIS song I created circa winter 2009 (10 exercises, change at the song change. naturally i had to include the entire pokemon song at the end) while watching the NFC playoffs seahawks v falcons.
a lot of stuff (read: mom's cooking), pics to come... and TONIGHT I'M GOING TO AN ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SUSHI steak bar to watch PATS + EATTTTT!!!!!
extra tidbit: part of my lotr activity includes playing the iphone game, The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle Earth. My in-game name is Emsheowyn and my city is Maktarrowdin
oh edit: didn't really explain the title. or maybe i have. it's because i'm running more since speed is not as important for me as rugger-no-more. but distance running is quite fit for a ref! :) how was serevi camp ploi?
Fri + Sat = rest + lotr + nfl + registered for THIS + does anyone wanna go to THIS? (because she rules. video games, violin, sick beats, nerdy, nice, etc -- coming to Provi in Feb!)
Sunday! Ran 3 miles at 10-something pace. Came inside and did 13+min abs to THIS song I created circa winter 2009 (10 exercises, change at the song change. naturally i had to include the entire pokemon song at the end) while watching the NFC playoffs seahawks v falcons.
a lot of stuff (read: mom's cooking), pics to come... and TONIGHT I'M GOING TO AN ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SUSHI steak bar to watch PATS + EATTTTT!!!!!
extra tidbit: part of my lotr activity includes playing the iphone game, The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle Earth. My in-game name is Emsheowyn and my city is Maktarrowdin
oh edit: didn't really explain the title. or maybe i have. it's because i'm running more since speed is not as important for me as rugger-no-more. but distance running is quite fit for a ref! :) how was serevi camp ploi?
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Friday, Funday
Benefit concert tonight for The Institute
more play
in the meanwhile,
a million things to do for work before Monday.
GED class starts up Monday.
- Rice cake w/pb and j, coffee
- sun chips to snack on, some diet coke
- teriyaki fried rice
- pepper tofu w/bell peppers on salad
- some animal crackers and almonds
- 2 ciders, 3 coronas and game night at Lorena's, lol
Benefit concert tonight for The Institute
more play
in the meanwhile,
a million things to do for work before Monday.
GED class starts up Monday.
Deadlift Day
Work from home friday meant I had plenty of time to mentally prep for this and it was a success!!! PR by 15 pounds!!!!!!!
The workout:
20 min to establish a 1RM Deadlift:
265# Wooo the next milestone is 2x body weight so ~284 Maybe by the end of feb?!?
4 rounds for total working time:
8 hang squat clean to thruster 95#
12 burpees over bar
16 kettlebell swings 16kg
1:1 work to rest ratio ie, however long it took you to do the round, rest that long and then start your second round, only count the working time for your time on the workout
11:31 Rx
We had no bread in the house and who wants to eat eggs without bread, so I didn't get bfast until around 11:30 when I had time to run out and buy some:
Bfast: Coffee
2nd Bfast: 3 fried eggs, 2 pieces of toast, 3 pieces of bacon, 1/3 of an avacado
Lunch: 3 handfuls of cashews
Coffee (w/Katie East!)
Dinner: Portabella mushroom stuffed with spinach and cheese on top of a massive pile of pasta and veggie spaghetti sauce, 1 bottle left hand nitro stout
Dessert: A few spoonfuls chocolate fudge-brownie ice cream
And now its the freakin weekend, time to go be fools in the park.
Work from home friday meant I had plenty of time to mentally prep for this and it was a success!!! PR by 15 pounds!!!!!!!
The workout:
20 min to establish a 1RM Deadlift:
265# Wooo the next milestone is 2x body weight so ~284 Maybe by the end of feb?!?
4 rounds for total working time:
8 hang squat clean to thruster 95#
12 burpees over bar
16 kettlebell swings 16kg
1:1 work to rest ratio ie, however long it took you to do the round, rest that long and then start your second round, only count the working time for your time on the workout
11:31 Rx
We had no bread in the house and who wants to eat eggs without bread, so I didn't get bfast until around 11:30 when I had time to run out and buy some:
Bfast: Coffee
2nd Bfast: 3 fried eggs, 2 pieces of toast, 3 pieces of bacon, 1/3 of an avacado
Lunch: 3 handfuls of cashews
Coffee (w/Katie East!)
Dinner: Portabella mushroom stuffed with spinach and cheese on top of a massive pile of pasta and veggie spaghetti sauce, 1 bottle left hand nitro stout
Dessert: A few spoonfuls chocolate fudge-brownie ice cream
And now its the freakin weekend, time to go be fools in the park.
Friday, January 11, 2013
out of my shirts, pants, all clothes. I've been living in leggings because no
- denim
- chinos
- cords
21 18 15 12 9 of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 65#
Ring Row
Kettlebell Swing, 35#
finished in a slow 18min. don't judge
B: 2 eggs omelette avec chorizo, zuchinni, garlic, and thai sweet chili sauce
L: wasabi seared tuna steak with grilled zuchinni, (plus 1 bloody mary)
une black coffee
D: Stinkin Rose bowl (-) sour cream, (+) plantains, (plus 1 sangria)
I'm off this weekend! Off to chaperone the kinder at Byd's/Serevi 7s camp.
Rest Day
Yesterday was an R&R day in the best way.
No workout. No busy-ness after work. Just good old thinkin' time and good old stretching time.
Foods = Same as everyday this week, but I'll list 'em:
1.25 pieces toast with butta and avacado
Coffee, 2 handfuls of almonds
Trail mix packet, tea
1 Turkey sandwich, 1 cup left over fresh fruits
Trail mix packet #2
Trail mix packet #3
Tuna salad sandwich, left over tuna salad (one can's worth total), 1/2 glass Black IPA, 1 bottle left hand Nitro Stout (sooo delicious)
5 assorted hershey's mini bars
1/2 turkey sandwich
I don't know if you guys are journalers, but: www.penzu.com -- the set-up is hokey, but I like it. And reflective writing is good for the soul.
Yesterday was an R&R day in the best way.
No workout. No busy-ness after work. Just good old thinkin' time and good old stretching time.
Foods = Same as everyday this week, but I'll list 'em:
1.25 pieces toast with butta and avacado
Coffee, 2 handfuls of almonds
Trail mix packet, tea
1 Turkey sandwich, 1 cup left over fresh fruits
Trail mix packet #2
Trail mix packet #3
Tuna salad sandwich, left over tuna salad (one can's worth total), 1/2 glass Black IPA, 1 bottle left hand Nitro Stout (sooo delicious)
5 assorted hershey's mini bars
1/2 turkey sandwich
I don't know if you guys are journalers, but: www.penzu.com -- the set-up is hokey, but I like it. And reflective writing is good for the soul.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
All rugby talk, no time for rugby walk
- Total Raisin Bran Cereal
- Burrito bowl (left overs from fajita makings)
- Samples at whole foods (YUM ON THAT BOUGIE)
- Teriyaki fried rice and pepper tofu sauteed w/ orange and green peppers
- some bites of nonfat strawberry frozen yogurt
No workout :(- had meeting with ruggers after making dinner after work.
Had to prep for meeting with Provost of Diversity- Cariago-Lo.
Had a meeting with Cariago-lo (Sydney, Saudi, Lucy, Lorena, and I) about diversity and athletics at Brown
- Less then a handful of granola and Total Raisin Bran cereal and a cup of coffee
- Teriyaki fried rice w/ chicken
- Almond joy bar (Lorena thought I needed a treat, lol. Temptress.)
- Chicken soup: Yesterday, I boiled a whole chicken in chicken broth, onions, ginger, basil leaves, some sugar, fish sauce, and pepper. It's like bastardized version of Pho. Sydney's sick, so Vietnamese chicken soup to the rescue.
Workout w/ Meeshie
- 40 min hill interval bike
- straight leg deadlift 3x10 95lb (start small)
- GHS 3x10 w/ 25lb
- overhead press 3x10 bar
- 3 rounds, 10 reps, 10 ab exercises ( leg lifts, toe touches, knee to chest, bicycle, left, right, straight crunches, push ups)
Notice that I've broadened the width of the blog, lol.
But I'm not very blog fancy.
Slowly but surely.
I really like the goal and gift idea too.
It sounds a lot like indiegogo, lol.
Let's talk more about it EM!
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