Thursday, January 31, 2013

When I see you on Sat I'll show you the snatch stuff

Hiii Em-

I just covered the most important info, but it doesn't hurt to re-iterate:  RUGBY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!

Remember what channel your BBC America is on comcast--- we may want to go to a place that isn't filled with former-prop drunk dudes.



That was from my workout today.

Workout: 20 min to find 5 RM of Back squat:
175 # --> this means my 1 RM should be 200#, but it's not :(

For time:
20 Handstand pushups (scaled on a box)
30 pull-ups
40 KB swings 16kg
45 sit-ups
50 burpees

10: 14

Trail mix
Turkey Sandwich and carrots sticks
Trail mix
Leftover Chili with leftover ground turkey and Mac and cheese
Some small bit of ice-cream



Basketball with the guys

So sore from KB swings

Eggs and toast, coffee
trail mix, coffee
Turkey sandwich, carrot sticks (at like 11)
trail mix, coffee
Piles of spinach and green beens with bacon (don't judge)

I gotta hydrate more and dehydrate less


20 min AMRAP:
5 pull-ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

I did 20 rounds 4 pull-ups. I beat the next highest girl on day by 2 whole rounds. 
And sacrificed being able to shower without pain for it.


Avocado on toast
sausage, egg, and cheese on a role
trail mix
turkey sandwich, carrot sticks, trail mix
trail mix
3 eggs scrambled with fancy cheese and salsa on top, 1/4 pound of bacon, 2 pieces of toast

Work has been intense= I inadvertently consume more coffee because I need to take breaks and go directly to the coffee machine by habit
Need to work on that

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two is Company

Yay! Hi Annalisa!

Yesterday before you called, I went to Boyles! It was a good day for small improvements :) Some new PRs:
Trap Bar Deadlifts: 155#
Chin-ups: 4-in-a-row! (pretty much all the way down haha)
Cleans: 105#

roll out, knee resistance band exercises, planks,
leg swings, dyn stretch, skips, etc.

warmup circuit:
3x 6 each leg 1-legged lateral hurdle jumps, stick landing
2x 10 each side wall ball lateral throws with step
2x 5 each leg medicine ball overhead throws with step

3x 3 cleans (95-100-105)
2x 8 sumo squat curl pressout (8-12 kg)
2x 8 standing in-line chop (20R)

3x 6-8-6 trap bar DL (145, 150, 155#)
3x 4 chin ups (4 real ones!, 1 real + 6 with help, 1 real + 4 with help)
2x 10 leg lowers R-L-R

2x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (20x10 whoops, 22.5, 22.5#)
3x 6 single leg squats (5s, 7.5s, 7.5# DBs)
2x 25sec standing anti-rotation (20R)

8x 30sec on 15 off slideboards
catch my breath, or as Kerri might say, "crawl home with twitchy legs" - status

Food was a heap of pasta with cabbage, mushrooms, home-sprouted bean sprouts, tomatoes, celery.
With baked chicken marinated in spices and soysauce.
A bunch of pickled cucumbers - a Mrs. Hsieh special :)
and Grapefruit

Today my head hurt too much so I came home instead of going to the gym :/ I was so ready to workout too! but trying to be safe about head explosions so no running today!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Emhsieh I am here with you


I really have to get back on this train. It's so good for helping me make myself eat more and better.

Workout: 1 RM  front squat: 165 # (10# PR woot!!)
But couldn't do the training because the classes were running over and I was there on my lunch break and had a 1:00 meeting :(

Then I coached for 2 hours at night and let me tell you: yelling is a workout


toast probably for breakfast
trail mix
turkey sandwich and carrots
stir-fry with a bajillion green things and ground turkey

Nada on the workout

Eggs with cheese and mushrooms and toast
pretzels and humus (only a little left) sugared almonds and turkey sandwich
1/3 blueberry donut
BOATLOAD OF FOOOD FOR DINNER, including: FATTIEST MAC AND CHEESE EVER, chili, and GreenBeans, and chocolate chip cookies, wine, and a plethora (3) of beer consumed over 2 games of settlers


1 hour of fun soccer

Eggs, cheese, toast and avocado
2 sausage and leftover mac and cheese
chili, toast


1 clean as heavy as possible every 30 sec for 7 min
@ 115#

8 min AMRAP:
7 Deadlifts @ 155#
35 double-unders

3 and 19 du

2 egg tacos
trailmix guy
turkey sandwich and carrot sticks, coffee
mini-granola bar
2 tacos
mac and cheese for night snack

The fellowship has broken

Gimli: Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed.
Aragorn: Not if we hold true to each other... Not while we have strength left.

Friends? friends? are you there?

Yesterday, Sunday 1/27/13 I went to the New England ref society AGM. That was cool, except that I only slept for 4 hours and it was a looong meeting. Free (average) lunch provided courtesy of Resident Inn though. Then I drove 10min to Westborough to play bball with Chinese school dad's + my (brother's) friend, Mike! (who's brother I went to prom with.)

2 hrs pickup basketball
1 hr dodgeball
so. tired.

After Chinese school ends, some kids do extracurricular stuff so there were 5 little pee-wee kids who came to the gym afterwards and we played adult v kids dodgeball. I accidently pegged some little children- 1 in the face. tg it was those soft air foam balls! i felt really bad... but they weren't holding back either! oops. also it was terribly hard to watch my foul language after all these years of rugby songs ha. but i behaved myself (minus the headshot)... it's so hard they were all 3 feet tall!

then i promptly passed out at 8pm and slept for 12 hours, only to wake up still tired. hahah. had a dream that I was playing rugby in the rolling green hills of NZ though!