Wed 3/6 Boyles
Thurs 3/7 Bike hill plus program
Wednesday at the gym:
Roll, knee exercises, jumps, dynamic warmup etc.
Warmup circuit:
3 x 6 2-feet hurdle jumps, stick last landing
3 x 6 2-feet hurdle jumps, stick last landing
2 x 5 each leg wall ball on ground sprint start, drive w front leg & drive hips to thrust ball forward
3 x 5 snatches (55,55,60)
2 x 10 single leg step in-line cable lift (inside leg on tall step, lift cable while exploding off inside leg in 1 motion)
2 x 15sec spiderman stretch
3 x 10-10-14 bench WITH CHAINS (30# chains + 2.5# each side)
3 x 6-9-6 RFE split squat (80, 80, 80#)
3 x 10 TRX row
3 x Turf (100m?) farmers carry (70, 80, 70#)
3 x 8 lateral lunges (35#)
5 x 150m shuttles (25m x 6) :28 :29 :31 :33 :31 ...I think were my times. not sure
Thursday at the office gym:
All the treadmills were taken again so I biked "Hill Plus"
The program was diff from last time, dunno why.
10min warmup
Get to 10miles biked (at about 33min)
Max HR ~182 (says bike machine)
sweat sweat sweat.
Took another meta picture (me taking a pic of me taking a pic of me taking a pic of....i should really make a never-ending gif of it):
Lunch Friday, Dinner Wednesday, Dinner Thursday