Friday, January 18, 2013

ems wods 1/16-1/17

1/16 boyles:

roll out, stability drills, dyn stretch, skips

3x6 1 leg hurdle, double skip in between, repeat on other leg
2x10 wall ball chest throws w hip explosion

3x5 DB snatch (35#)
2x10 med ball toe-touch-to-squat (12#)
2x10 iso-lunge in-line chop (10-12Resistance)

1x6 DB bench (70#) <-- waaaay too much, also was supposed to do regular bench
2x6 bench (95#)
3x6-10-6 RFE split squat each leg (60,60,70#)
2x20 sec lat band stretch R-L-R (right-left-right)

3x10 TRX row
3x8 SLDL (25#)
2x12 standing push-pull (14Resistance)

8x 30m suicides twice up-and-back (120m total, 4 facing one way for turns, 4 facing the other)

Ran 4.8 miles by accident. meant to run ~3 but we didn't know when to turn around
  grapes and orange
  muscles and shrimp (mmm i love seafood!)
  unknown vegetable (really, my mom didn't even know. she said "hm, don't know, a leafy green vegetable")
  wheat gluten, wood fungus and more (those are the names! i checked google!)
  soup with pork balls (instead of fish balls), veggie ball-type things, white radish, vegetarian ham, other veggies, etc.

edit: deleted that pic... because my coworker found the blog and tends to save pics for future blackmail whoops


EMOM for 7 rounds:
1 power snatch
3 heaving snatch balances <--- my FAVORITE

5 Rounds for total Reps of:

2min AMRAP:
30 jumping split squats
20 sit ups
15 push ups

1 min rest

510 !!!!

1 piece of toast with peanut butter
1 trail mix guy
Coffee, Tea
1 turkey sandwich, 1 carrot carrotsticks
Hot Chocolate
2 handfuls mixed nuts
A massive salad with tuna, cheese, avocado, carrots, green pepper, and celery goodness
a few spoonfuls of icecream

Thursday, January 17, 2013

lovely ladies make life better

Tues 1/15/2013

I was a laaaameooo. And took a day off.
Did play to games of Settlers of Catan (which is a workout for your brain).  I lost once to Thal (what?) and once to Mark<-- blaming it on Battlestar Gallactica that was playing in the background

I ate things I can't remember anymore, but definitely it included:

Coffee, trailmix
Lunch #1: 1 turkey sandwhich
Lunch #2: 1 footlong subway chicken guy
Snack: 3 large chocolate chip cookies
Dinner: 1 plate ridiculously cheap veggie and shrimp lo mien

Wed 1/16/2013

Wasn't feeling it, and then went to the gym at lunch and had a cutie workout buddy and it got better

10 min to warm up to 85% backsquat
EMOM for 7 rounds: 3 high bar backsquats @ 155#

3 RFT:

7 chest to bar pullups
7 ringdips
15 KB swings @ 24kg
50 Double Unders

Rest 1:1

15:00 min time cap
Because I ain't got no Double Under skillz ( I get every-other for 10-15) I DNF (2 rounds + 4 ring dips)
I am proud to say that chest to bar pull-up I can beast. My ring dips are shaky and I have to use a band for stabilization after about 4, but MUSCLE-UP HERE I COME!

2 of my 3 jump-ropes are out of commission. I've got to dig out the third. (I'm hoping I brought it to NY)

Played basketball after work but was sucking so bad-- I couldn't call it a real workout.

First Bfast: 1 piece of peanut butter toast
2nd Bfast: Sausage egg and cheese on a roll and more coffee
Lunch: Leftover rice and stir-fried veggies
More Coffee
Dinner: a massive mound of steamed broccholi topped with a massive mound of sausage
Dessert: Bowl of icecream

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I'm bad at blogging.

But not so bad at moving about.

I've been swimmin' steady for about 45 minutes, twice per week.

And rehabbin twice per week. I'm tired of rehab. So very tired.

I went to play basketball tonight with Mai, Meesh, and other various friends. Lots of fun. Lots of sore. and it felt good to move around and push my knee.

Will definitely be participating in future gatherings.

No soccer yet though. Don't wanna get ahead of myself.

If anyone wants to swim, I'll be going again on Friday afternoon. Hit me up. :D

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Burpee Death

The short version:
No good treadmills
No socks
Burpee Death
13min Abs reincarnation

The long version:
730: Today I left work at 7:30 thinking ughhh work (maybe echoing your sentiment a little, schmanna) but silly Emhsieh - just do a quick workout! I thought.
No good treadmills: All 2 good treadmills at office gym were taken. Plan was to run 3 miles. but no worries Em, just do another workout yayyy!
No socks: nooo I forgot socks! but that's a bad excuse Emily - you don't need socks!
No hairbrush: oops, but why does that matter? i'll just rock messy workout hair

Mile: warmed up with a 9min mile. bad treadmill = smack hands on poorly designed and placed handholds frequently and painfully.
Burpee Death: 100 burpees for time (w overhead jump clap)
  25 with pushups
  25 with nothing
  25 with pancakes
  25 with pushups
Time: 8:51
HR: 172
Thoughts: ugh, my worst time yet since the first time I started tracking my times in June... but I guess the last time was 10/32 (not a real date, but that's what it says) so the first time of 2013 not bad!
Burpee Death: have you guys ever heard of Fan Death? I think I've come as close to burpee death as it is possible to come close to fan death.
13 Min Abs: I live! Alive enough to do abs. At this point there is only 1 other person in the office gym and he has the biggest pouffiest mustache I've ever seen irl.

DONE: 40min.
Me looking alive but feeling dead.
Small glimpse of my spoiled life at home. Dinner waiting for me :)

So yeah, there I am! With a dopey mouth open look - trying to smile and say hello because I'm not visiting friends in Provi this weekend! And yup, there's the food that is now all in my stomach. Don't know what these things are called in English but if you wanna find out and enjoy tasty meals with me COME VISIT and my mom and I will cook for youuu! (the gym pic photoshoot was followed shortly after with my first  ever selfie-mirror-abs-shot, complete with quad flex. available upon request, because I am embarrassed that I took such a myspace-y photo and am admitting it here)

Off to do ref certifying online courses!



Yesterday was slow at work and fun at home.  I dislike offices so much. Even as I believe what we do is important.

Work out:
EveryMinuteOntheMinute for 5:
2 snatches @ ~80% (I admit I was being a chicken, I only did 75#)
2 min AMRAP @ same weight: 11-- only missed 1.

But then Met/con:

5 rounds for total time and total cal

30 sec Row for Cal
5 chest to bar pullups
5 hand release pushups (subs for 5 MU cuz I aint got the skillz yet)
5 Power Snatch @ 75# <-- weird how much easier these snatches get when not full squat
Rest one minute

14:12 + 49 cal

2 fried eggs and toast
2 packets trail mix
Turkey sandwich and a Pear, coffee
Coffee, trail mix, 1 handful almonds
Veggie stirfry with rice on a bed of bacon (don't judge)

Probably going to take the day off today to work on DO applications, but will post food tomorrow

Sorry I suck

Hi friends-
Sorry I suck.
The Nonviolence GED program I've been working on at The Institute finally kicked off and I am
and stressed
but in a good way
as well as BWRFC things.

That said-
I haven't worked out as much
and I've been drinking a bit more lol
but still eating relatively healthy.

I've been slacking on eating my 5 small meals a day too :(

It ends up being 3-4.

But because I don't have too many shitty things to eat at my house I can only really grab for a rice cake and cottage cheese.

The drinking though has been more, relative.

Had a benefit concert for The Institute and wined it up there and then last night went to a bar with my boss, her sister, friends, and Lorena.
So there are those things.

I'll get back to being more consistent throughout this week.


Today's NOMS

  1. coffee
  2. vermicelli noodles with tofu, green beans, carrots, and a peanut sauce
  3. rice cakes and nonfat yogurt
  4. and to be continued- lol
I've also run out of food stamps a tad cause Syd's been out of school and I've been supporting her a tad. But it evens out.

Glad folks are contributing :)

Miss you guys

Wish we could all work out together, eat together, and be less stressed together from our work lives, lolz.



Boiled (verb): I went to Body by Boyles, and it was 60F outside whattt?

Roll out & stretch
Dynamic warmup (kicks, lunges, skips focusing on drives, etc)
Ladder lateral work

3x10 diagonal lateral bounds, stuck landings
2x8 standing wall ball lateral hip throws

3x5 Cleans (90, 90, 95)
2x10 Iso lunge chop (knee up)
2x10 Sumo squat pressout (12kg/26.4# kettlebell)

3x6-6-12 trapbar deadlift (125x6, 135x6, 145x12) ... need to establish max *cough* annalisa
3x5 chin ups (3-1-1, 2-1-1-1, 5 with resistance band help)
2x10 resistance band leg lowers R-L-R

2x8 1/2 kneeling 1 arm DB press (20, 22.5), 1x20 pushups (something happened to back muscles, couldn't do 3rd set)
3x5 elevated single leg squats (15#)
2x25s standing anti-rotation hold

7x 20 touches slide board + 30sec rest

ROLL back muscles

Bfast: always eat a bagel
Lunch: always leftovers from last night
Dinner: mom's cooking is awesome. Today it was a pork dish, eggplant dish, spinach-ish dish, peanuts dish, pork w spiced cucumbers dish, rice. mmm. oh, and always eat fruit first before the meal-last night: strawberries, grapes, apples. i'm spoiled.
Snacks: a variation of lots of things I have at work in my cube: asian crackers #1, asian crackers #2, goldfish, fruit/nut/grain bars, shrimp crackers, wheat snacks (store brand wheat thins), tons of fruit, fruit snacks, cheerios, pretzels, etc. are among things i have had / have now. + lots of water & tea
Yesterday snacks: clementine, banana, fruit bar, asian crackers #2, lots of water

post workout: 139lbs.
I can live with that! must be because of those 10mi from last week! or because the weight was actually new years food. i've finally reached stage 5: acceptance, that i no longer need to be as heavy as can be, because I will never play (contact) rugby again. stage 5 is nice haha

finally: i will work out a good goal + reward + affirmation system for friends soon :)

finally finally: i love the left sidebar workbear mission and wanted to publicly say it. love!

Monday, January 14, 2013

avoiding computers/indoors


Playing soccer in the park with Thal's work team for 2 hrs
(I can be in the right place at the right time, but execute at about 25% rate #noskillz)

1/2 5 egg omlette with cheddar, mushrooms, onions and spinach, 1 piece toast, coffee
1/2 an eggplant sub from beirkraft, 3 bites turkey sub, >1/2 a growler IPA (spread out over ~5 hours)
1 whole order veggie dumplings (fried), 1/3 garlic eggplant with white rice

I was covering the 3 classes at the gym Sunday.  It was a wee bit of a struggle to get up after bierkraft carousing with 3 waves of friends.
(I've turned the corner to old ladyship)

Yelling at everyone else to try harder
Muscle-up skill work-- I can get above the rings I just don't have the dip strength to finish :(
so read: dips

1 piece toast with 1/2 sliced avocado
1 turkey club sandwich (made myself an extra piece of bacon), 2/3 pear, 1/2 handful of cashews, 1 medium bowl ice-cream
1 sesame ball (so convenient to my snacking that Mark Bloom lives in chinatown), 1/2 glass Rockaway Stout
Leftover pasta with veggie sauce

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Future (half) marathon, here I come!

On Thurs I ran 2 mi w a sick friend in the pitch dark around a pond. Hope I don't catch the flu!

Fri + Sat = rest + lotr + nfl + registered for THIS + does anyone wanna go to THIS? (because she rules. video games, violin, sick beats, nerdy, nice, etc -- coming to Provi in Feb!)

Sunday! Ran 3 miles at 10-something pace. Came inside and did 13+min abs to THIS song I created circa winter 2009 (10 exercises, change at the song change. naturally i had to include the entire pokemon song at the end) while watching the NFC playoffs seahawks v falcons.

a lot of stuff (read: mom's cooking), pics to come... and TONIGHT I'M GOING TO AN ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SUSHI steak bar to watch PATS + EATTTTT!!!!!


extra tidbit: part of my lotr activity includes playing the iphone game, The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle Earth. My in-game name is Emsheowyn and my city is Maktarrowdin

oh edit: didn't really explain the title. or maybe i have. it's because i'm running more since speed is not as important for me as rugger-no-more. but distance running is quite fit for a ref! :) how was serevi camp ploi?