Thursday, January 17, 2013

lovely ladies make life better

Tues 1/15/2013

I was a laaaameooo. And took a day off.
Did play to games of Settlers of Catan (which is a workout for your brain).  I lost once to Thal (what?) and once to Mark<-- blaming it on Battlestar Gallactica that was playing in the background

I ate things I can't remember anymore, but definitely it included:

Coffee, trailmix
Lunch #1: 1 turkey sandwhich
Lunch #2: 1 footlong subway chicken guy
Snack: 3 large chocolate chip cookies
Dinner: 1 plate ridiculously cheap veggie and shrimp lo mien

Wed 1/16/2013

Wasn't feeling it, and then went to the gym at lunch and had a cutie workout buddy and it got better

10 min to warm up to 85% backsquat
EMOM for 7 rounds: 3 high bar backsquats @ 155#

3 RFT:

7 chest to bar pullups
7 ringdips
15 KB swings @ 24kg
50 Double Unders

Rest 1:1

15:00 min time cap
Because I ain't got no Double Under skillz ( I get every-other for 10-15) I DNF (2 rounds + 4 ring dips)
I am proud to say that chest to bar pull-up I can beast. My ring dips are shaky and I have to use a band for stabilization after about 4, but MUSCLE-UP HERE I COME!

2 of my 3 jump-ropes are out of commission. I've got to dig out the third. (I'm hoping I brought it to NY)

Played basketball after work but was sucking so bad-- I couldn't call it a real workout.

First Bfast: 1 piece of peanut butter toast
2nd Bfast: Sausage egg and cheese on a roll and more coffee
Lunch: Leftover rice and stir-fried veggies
More Coffee
Dinner: a massive mound of steamed broccholi topped with a massive mound of sausage
Dessert: Bowl of icecream

1 comment:

  1. hahah i love "I lost once to Thal (what?)" and "had a cutie workout buddy and it got better"
