Tuesday, January 15, 2013



Yesterday was slow at work and fun at home.  I dislike offices so much. Even as I believe what we do is important.

Work out:
EveryMinuteOntheMinute for 5:
2 snatches @ ~80% (I admit I was being a chicken, I only did 75#)
2 min AMRAP @ same weight: 11-- only missed 1.

But then Met/con:

5 rounds for total time and total cal

30 sec Row for Cal
5 chest to bar pullups
5 hand release pushups (subs for 5 MU cuz I aint got the skillz yet)
5 Power Snatch @ 75# <-- weird how much easier these snatches get when not full squat
Rest one minute

14:12 + 49 cal

2 fried eggs and toast
2 packets trail mix
Turkey sandwich and a Pear, coffee
Coffee, trail mix, 1 handful almonds
Veggie stirfry with rice on a bed of bacon (don't judge)

Probably going to take the day off today to work on DO applications, but will post food tomorrow


  1. what my office life was a few months ago: http://i.imgflip.com/8552.gif
    not so terrible :) but those are days of the past

    how do you track calories? do you have one of those belts?

  2. lol you're a lucky son-of-a-gun

    I don't track calories because I know I am usually eating way under what I need to be to build any kind of muscle mass. I don't mind being wire-y but I don't increase strength very fast. I've started doing things like snacking on bacon to fight that. The xfit diet is the Zone Diet:
    These tables are interesting ways of conceiving of what you eat.

  3. snacking on bacon? that sounds delightful! Oooh I read your post too quickly and thought you recorded how many Cals for the whole workout, but I see the rowing part - that makes sense!
    Also I'm at work and just opened that pdf and my reaction was "wowwwww". Said it out loud. This is why all these diets seem kind of ridiculous to me! I mean, this one did have a warning saying it's for people who already weigh and track their food. But when I think of an average person going on an average diet it almost seems like they're doomed to fail! The diets take 100% efforts and levels of understanding that most people don't have to succeed... that's how I feel. Well that was my rant. It's admirable that people actually follow these crazy diets! I'm glad I don't have to. They look difficult. Rugby is my diet :)

  4. also, crossfit's logo is a dog? i never knew that
