Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Burpee Death

The short version:
No good treadmills
No socks
Burpee Death
13min Abs reincarnation

The long version:
730: Today I left work at 7:30 thinking ughhh work (maybe echoing your sentiment a little, schmanna) but silly Emhsieh - just do a quick workout! I thought.
No good treadmills: All 2 good treadmills at office gym were taken. Plan was to run 3 miles. but no worries Em, just do another workout yayyy!
No socks: nooo I forgot socks! but that's a bad excuse Emily - you don't need socks!
No hairbrush: oops, but why does that matter? i'll just rock messy workout hair

Mile: warmed up with a 9min mile. bad treadmill = smack hands on poorly designed and placed handholds frequently and painfully.
Burpee Death: 100 burpees for time (w overhead jump clap)
  25 with pushups
  25 with nothing
  25 with pancakes
  25 with pushups
Time: 8:51
HR: 172
Thoughts: ugh, my worst time yet since the first time I started tracking my times in June... but I guess the last time was 10/32 (not a real date, but that's what it says) so the first time of 2013 not bad!
Burpee Death: have you guys ever heard of Fan Death? I think I've come as close to burpee death as it is possible to come close to fan death.
13 Min Abs: I live! Alive enough to do abs. At this point there is only 1 other person in the office gym and he has the biggest pouffiest mustache I've ever seen irl.

DONE: 40min.
Me looking alive but feeling dead.
Small glimpse of my spoiled life at home. Dinner waiting for me :)

So yeah, there I am! With a dopey mouth open look - trying to smile and say hello because I'm not visiting friends in Provi this weekend! And yup, there's the food that is now all in my stomach. Don't know what these things are called in English but if you wanna find out and enjoy tasty meals with me COME VISIT and my mom and I will cook for youuu! (the gym pic photoshoot was followed shortly after with my first  ever selfie-mirror-abs-shot, complete with quad flex. available upon request, because I am embarrassed that I took such a myspace-y photo and am admitting it here)

Off to do ref certifying online courses!


  1. Lolololol POST YOUR BODYBUILDER SHOT.. lets seee them aaabs!!!!

