Yay! Hi Annalisa!
Yesterday before you called, I went to Boyles! It was a good day for small improvements :) Some new PRs:
Trap Bar Deadlifts: 155#
Chin-ups: 4-in-a-row! (pretty much all the way down haha)
Cleans: 105#
roll out, knee resistance band exercises, planks,
leg swings, dyn stretch, skips, etc.
warmup circuit:
3x 6 each leg 1-legged lateral hurdle jumps, stick landing
2x 10 each side wall ball lateral throws with step
2x 5 each leg medicine ball overhead throws with step
3x 3 cleans (95-100-105)
2x 8 sumo squat curl pressout (8-12 kg)
2x 8 standing in-line chop (20R)
3x 6-8-6 trap bar DL (145, 150, 155#)
3x 4 chin ups (4 real ones!, 1 real + 6 with help, 1 real + 4 with help)
2x 10 leg lowers R-L-R
2x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (20x10 whoops, 22.5, 22.5#)
3x 6 single leg squats (5s, 7.5s, 7.5# DBs)
2x 25sec standing anti-rotation (20R)
8x 30sec on 15 off slideboards
catch my breath, or as Kerri might say, "crawl home with twitchy legs" - status
Food was a heap of pasta with cabbage, mushrooms, home-sprouted bean sprouts, tomatoes, celery.
With baked chicken marinated in spices and soysauce.
A bunch of pickled cucumbers - a Mrs. Hsieh special :)
and Grapefruit
Today my head hurt too much so I came home instead of going to the gym :/ I was so ready to workout too! but trying to be safe about head explosions so no running today!
So jealous of your mom's pickled cucumbers!!!!!