Dear Annalisa,
Hi! Yesterday I went to Boyles again and did a similar workout to all my Monday workouts. Before the main lift we also did sprint-chases in which I was velcro-ed to a highschool boy and we chased each other around. He was my partner because all ~10 other Beantown ruggers were absent. I wonder why they skip so regularly after paying a not-so-cheap-but-maybe-less-than-xfit-membership price. It's times like these when I wish my rugby playing days weren't over so when I get back on the pitch my fitness efforts could be validated. But that's a selfish and ego-seeking mindset - I should be happy with appreciating my own fitness :) It's just... when they're going to Eagles camps and stuff I'm still a little envious. It's ok I'm going to be an Olympic ref so I should stop comparing myself to them! (Oh yeah, me and Adria got certified on Saturday! hahahaha I feel like we are still SO not qualified to ref.)
10min foam rollers + stretches + resistance band knee exercises
Dynamic warmup, including animal walks that are not so different from Kerri's
3x 6 hurdle hops, 2 feet hop with double jump between hurdles, stick last landing
2x 8 wall ball throw - in staggered sprint start facing the wall, holding ball near hips, explode off back foot and thrust ball at wall
6x sprint chases: me and Tom, a high school boy, were clipped into a tether that was velcroed in the middle. There was some slack in the line. When the person in back said go, the person in front tried to "get away" and break the line. He never broke it. I broke it. I'm faster than a pre-pubescent boy woohoo!
3x 3 cleans (95, 95, 100)
2x 8 standing in-line chop (20R)
2x 8 sumo curl pressout (8-12 kg)
3x 8-12-8 trap bar DL (145, 145, 150)
3x 5-6-5 Chin ups (with resistance band help)
2x 10 leg lowers
3x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (20)
3x 6 SL squats (10)
2x 20 sec standing anti-rotation (18R)
6x Suicides
Sprint 15, back, sprint 10, back, spring 5, back. 3 facing wall side, 3 facing mirror side (working on exploding out of turns off each leg)
Come visit and dine with me post-workouts! |
lotr themed dishes from our (Adria, Nomes, Nik, Adam, Em) epic lotr weekend:
Elevensies |
Lembas Bread |
Complete with Mallorn Leaf |
Coney Stew |
In all its glory |
Dear Emhsieh-
ReplyDeleteFirst- Highschool definitely counts as pubescent--- don't short-change yourself... You're faster than a pubescent boy.
Also, I want lembas bread.
Also, CONGRATS on your Ref certification!!!!!!!!!!!!!