Girls gotta play!
SO, the reason I haven't posted is because I haven't worked out in a week. :O :O :O :O
One. Week. !!!!!
How can you even be sure that I'm the real EmHsieh?? :O
(Well, technically, since last Friday. Last Thursday I ran 3 miles and yesterday I went to the gym. But 2 << 5+. Feels like 0! the limit as 2 approaches much much less than 5+ is zero.) I hope I've stressed the amount of non-workouts I've done in the past week. It's shocking. and a welcome rest.
And I feel pretty much no guilt at all because
1. The gym I go to is closed this week because of February Vacation for public schools (hence the title of the post)
2. It's my dad's last week in this country and we've been hanging out w family
3. It's cold when it snows.
4. I don't play rugby anymore
5. I installed a pull-up bar in my bathroom doorframe and the price to pass is 1 chinup. super effective. It's like the bar is say "YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS. Unless you do a chin up"
Now for yesterday's workout: (1 mile, 3 super sets of 3 things, 13min abs)
3x5-4-2 cleans (105# )
3x10 toe-touch-to-squat (12.5#)
3x8 cables in-line chop (60#) <-- I know what "20R" is roughly now because the office gym has real poundage weights!
3x6 deadlifts w bar (175#) <-- my form is not so good without a trapbar.
3x3 chinups <--WOOO improvement! life best!
2x8 R-L-R leg lowers w resistance band
3x8 standing 1 arm DB press (25#)
3x6 single leg squat (16#)
2x30sec standing anti-rotation cable hold (40#) <-- real weight! instead of the other gym's "R" units.
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