Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Beginning Is a Very Good Place to Start

I admit that Jan 1 and 2 were not the most auspicious start to the year. I was mildly sick and didn't get any real workouts in. 

However, TODAY is January 3 and TODAY I begin my own campaing for a fresh bod in this new year. 

Foods of the day:
- Greek yogurt of the blueberry variety
- peppermint tea
- broccoli, lima beans, spicy black bean cake, broccoli and cheese soup
- craisins
- ground beef and sweet potatoes
- five glasses of seltzer water

Exercises of the day:
- I'm doing a challenge with my friend Devon to be able to do 100 push-ups in a row, so I did my daily work on that goal. It was a total of 25 (decidedly NOT in a row) for this morning. 
- In the PM, went for a 6.5 mile run. I had taken a brief holiday snow-induced hiatus from running, so was pleased with my ability to complete the endeavor. 

I'm so happy to be a part of this blog! I will remain inspired now and hopefully indeed achieve my new fresh bod. 


  1. Yay Virginia!
    And geeze way to put me to shame!
    I ran a mile and just biked after words and was boofed!
    Harder work outs to come once the soreness in certain areas (MY ASS) subside.

  2. 6.5 miles sounds like death!!! How frequently do you run such distances? Also-- please break down foods into meals so I can understand
