Friday, January 25, 2013

21 is a large number

I severely underestimated how many multiples of 1, 21 is. (I can't imagine ever doing 75 pull-ups, Annalisa)

Today I went to your xfit website (a link for the friends we've lost) and decided to do Saturdays WOD. Because Friday's wod had a lot of things I felt would look silly on me trying to do at the office gym. Like split jumps. They look like something out of a dance video. And I have horrible rowing form. Lots of excuses I know...

1 mile < 10 min warmup

3 rounds for time:
21 thrusters 45#
21 burpees (with push ups - pancakes - push ups again)
21 kettlebell swings 25# DB

HR ~180

My thoughts: omg. wow. 21 is such a large number!! never have I ever done thrusters. they are way harder when in sets of 21!!! it's been over 2 months since last I lifted something more than 12 reps. wow. I did not expect this to be as hard as it was. hahaha this is what I get for not doing a real xfit wod for such a long period of time. I also only realized now that this was only the conditioning part of the workout. and I didn't read about the 7 min of snatches. whoops.

13min abs
30min casual elliptical chat with a guy who likes to talk a lot (reminds me of elliptical man at the omac who wore a headband and wouldn't stop talking but was old so I felt like I had to humor him for hours)

more thoughts: leg lifts are way harder with no hands under my butt. I also lose about ~1# every workout. typically 140-142ish before and 139-140 after! I have not elliptical-ed for that long since 10th grade high school gym class.

bfast and lunch the usual: bagel for bfast and last night's leftovers for lunch.
dinner: pineapple, mixed rices, seaweed, buddha's fist melon / chayote, leftover eggplant & beets, leftover chicken bits and spiced pork, same soup with winter melons again. delicious mmm

So this week was a bit hard

Application stress + job frustration + housing stress + freezing temps after the beautiful NC weekend =  Annalisa didn't go to crossfit until 1/24

Should have gone earlier as it is the best stress relief known to man, but alas... life goes.


Successfully survived re-entry into the workplace, but was going to a talk by Fred Kaplan at the New America NYC with T-dawg
squintiest of squinty eyes
and work was a bit nuts, so no xfit for Annalisa :(

Toast (i think)
Coffee, water
Turkey and cheese sandwich and carrot sticks, coffee
Delicious chicken kebab sammy

Small app freakout -- no xfit or basketball for Annalisa :(

Sugar and coffee for breakfast
turkey sandwich and carrot sticks 
Toast and a sausage
Some icecream
Peanut-butter, sugar and pretzels
A massive salad with snow peas, carrots, celery, tuna, cheese and other things

WORKOUT (finally):
EMOM for 5 min:
5 High hang cleans @ 85 # (light, but I'm going for beauty here)

35 double-unders 40 tuckjumps (I couldn't do rx the whole way or woulda gone over the time cap)
75 burpees
75 pull-ups

some day when I have real double-unders this will be close to 10:00 

1 egg in a corn tortilla
2 trail mix guys with yogurt bits
Turkey sandwich, carrot sticks
2 granola bars, pretzel stick
Pile of broccoli with a pile of ground turkey on top

Thursday, January 24, 2013

1/23 + 1.24


Roll out, resistance band knee exercises, dynamic stretch, jumps

3x3-3 single leg hurdle: 3 hops to the right, 3 to the left. repeat on other foot
2x8 wall ball lateral throws with step. both sides
2x5 med ball overhead, toss at wall with step. both sides

Sprint work: 
3 cones in a line each 5 meters apart. Start at middle cone facing the wall, explode to side cone in 3 steps without turning body (sort of lateral running), good body position for turn, set feet for turn and explode out 10m to far cone. 3 from each side

3x 8-8-6 snatch (45,55,65) -- yay! never done barbell snatches before!
3x 10 toe-touch-squat (12# ball)
2x 8 standing in-line-lift (17R)

3x 6-8-8 bench (95, 90, 90)
3x 8 RFE squats (60, 70, 70)
2x 20sec lat band stretch

3x 8 TRX row
3x 8 2DB SLDL (40, 45, 45)
3x 8 dynamic push-pull w cables (15, 16, 16 R)

6x 30 on, 30 off slideboards

Mixed rices, pork, noodles, cauliflower w tomatoes, tofu w eggs & vegetarian oysters, soy beans, other seeds.


Today (Thursday 1/24/2012) I ran 3 miles at the office gym, and also overcame my dislike of socks that go past my ankles! what a plesant surprise! I wore black ski-socks to work because I could, and they doubled as great crew-height socks for running when folded down! I used to hate wearing socks greater than or equal to ankle socks but not including tall socks worn for sports. woohoo!

3 miles < 30 min
HR 186
Some stretching
13 minutes abs

winter melon soup made with pineapple hearts, apples + pears, spiced pork, yu cai + chinese cabbage, beets, peanuts, celery + mushroom stem + five spice tofu



I promise I didn't die-- just had a small freak out for DO applications yesterday so no workout. Will put workout info up tonight after I do it... PLUS I'm coaching 3 classes tomorrow evening: WOOOOOOOT!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

In which I out sprint a pre-pubescent boy

Dear Annalisa,

Hi! Yesterday I went to Boyles again and did a similar workout to all my Monday workouts. Before the main lift we also did sprint-chases in which I was velcro-ed to a highschool boy and we chased each other around. He was my partner because all ~10 other Beantown ruggers were absent. I wonder why they skip so regularly after paying a not-so-cheap-but-maybe-less-than-xfit-membership price. It's times like these when I wish my rugby playing days weren't over so when I get back on the pitch my fitness efforts could be validated. But that's a selfish and ego-seeking mindset - I should be happy with appreciating my own fitness :) It's just... when they're going to Eagles camps and stuff I'm still a little envious. It's ok I'm going to be an Olympic ref so I should stop comparing myself to them! (Oh yeah, me and Adria got certified on Saturday! hahahaha I feel like we are still SO not qualified to ref.)

10min foam rollers + stretches + resistance band knee exercises
Dynamic warmup, including animal walks that are not so different from Kerri's

3x 6 hurdle hops, 2 feet hop with double jump between hurdles, stick last landing
2x 8 wall ball throw - in staggered sprint start facing the wall, holding ball near hips, explode off back foot and thrust ball at wall

6x sprint chases: me and Tom, a high school boy, were clipped into a tether that was velcroed in the middle. There was some slack in the line. When the person in back said go, the person in front tried to "get away" and break the line. He never broke it. I broke it. I'm faster than a pre-pubescent boy woohoo!

3x 3 cleans (95, 95, 100)
2x 8 standing in-line chop (20R)
2x 8 sumo curl pressout (8-12 kg)

3x 8-12-8 trap bar DL (145, 145, 150)
3x 5-6-5 Chin ups (with resistance band help)
2x 10 leg lowers

3x 8 standing 1 arm DB press (20)
3x 6 SL squats (10)
2x 20 sec standing anti-rotation (18R)

6x Suicides
Sprint 15, back, sprint 10, back, spring 5, back. 3 facing wall side, 3 facing mirror side (working on exploding out of turns off each leg)

Come visit and dine with me post-workouts!

lotr themed dishes from our (Adria, Nomes, Nik, Adam, Em) epic lotr weekend:
Lembas Bread
Complete with Mallorn Leaf
Coney Stew
In all its glory


Dear EmHsieh,

It's so saad that we've lost our friends. Still-- this is motivating me to workout on weekends and eat better, so I say we keep it up.

Congrats on powering through those long and complex workouts. I can't do that much anymore.

I went to NC this weekend

and didn't workout in the strict sense, but I'll document below.


Woulda gone to the gym in the morning for the banded jerk progressions, but had to do apartment/lease stuff

2 Eggs and toast for bfast, coffee
Turkey sandwich and carrot sticks for lunch
A few oreos, a lot of good and plenty and a bite of milky way (airport snacks)
A massive burger with fried clam strips and bacon on it, french fries, 2 pints some delicious stout


3-4 mile river hike with goat, assorted dogs and humans
intense fooseball playing

Coffee, 1/2 banana and chocolate chip muffin
1/3 6 egg mushroom, spinach, swiss and onion scramble, toast, many strawberries
3 amazing tacos, rice and beans and chips and salsa
1 Hickory (think BBQ) porter, 1 sweet potato ale, 1/2 honey ale
1 left hand milk stout, 1/4 plate garlic fries, 1/4 plate nachos


Casual frisbee, handstands, horsing around

Coffee, Oreos
3 homemade cranberry scones, lots of fresh pineapple chunks, 3 egg scramble with mushrooms, spinach, cheddar and avacado and tomato on top, coffee
Chips and guac
"Hobo dinner" = meat chunks and veggie chunks with dale's sauce wrapped up in tinfoil and thrown in the bonfire, 1 tall-boy Gansett

3 hours of moving bricks
Casual frisbee and handstands

2 leftover scones, coffee, 1 banana
After moving the bricks, we were hungry--- we wanted to go to this place in Durham: Dame's chicken and waffles, but they said there was a 45 min wait-- so we went down the block and had a first round
Lunch #1: 1 sandwich with cured salmon, pickled onions, watercress and lemon aioli
Lunch #2: 2 legs fried chicken on a classic waffle with blueberry schmear ( yeah, I ate it all)
Airport Beer: some dark seasonal thing, big girl cup
And then our flight was delayed 4 hours
Dinner: Some BBQ beef, baked beans, mac and cheese, and cornbread, and 2.5 more beers -- hit up all 3 bars in the terminal because we had the time

And it looks like because of work, I won't be able to make it to the gym today :(

And tomorrow will be deathly (the workouts posted).
I'm ready for an ass kicking.