Friday, March 8, 2013


I have made such amazing never-before-seen-in-Emhsieh progress with Boyles' winter program that I might continue w their spring session after a few helpful nudges (Annalisa). But we'll see. I'm about 80% sure that I'll keep boyles-ing after next week (the last week!).

Wed 3/6 Boyles
Thurs 3/7 Bike hill plus program

Wednesday at the gym:
Roll, knee exercises, jumps, dynamic warmup etc.
Warmup circuit:
3 x 6 2-feet hurdle jumps, stick last landing
2 x 5 each leg wall ball on ground sprint start, drive w front leg & drive hips to thrust ball forward

3 x 5 snatches (55,55,60)
2 x 10 single leg step in-line cable lift (inside leg on tall step, lift cable while exploding off inside leg in 1 motion)
2 x 15sec spiderman stretch
3 x 10-10-14 bench WITH CHAINS (30# chains + 2.5# each side) 
3 x 6-9-6 RFE split squat (80, 80, 80#)
3 x 10 TRX row
3 x Turf (100m?) farmers carry (70, 80, 70#)
3 x 8 lateral lunges (35#)

5 x 150m shuttles (25m x 6) :28 :29 :31 :33 :31 ...I think were my times. not sure

Thursday at the office gym:
All the treadmills were taken again so I biked "Hill Plus"
The program was diff from last time, dunno why.
10min warmup
Get to 10miles biked (at about 33min)
Max HR ~182 (says bike machine)
sweat sweat sweat.

Took another meta picture (me taking a pic of me taking a pic of me taking a pic of....i should really make a never-ending gif of it):

Lunch Friday, Dinner Wednesday, Dinner Thursday

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

O hey there!

Chuggin' along.

I've still got this nasty chest cold thing, but I'm not letting it hold me back, if i can help it.

Last Thursday and today, I went to dance class. We're doing a dance called Kote-ba, which involves a lot of jumping and being light on the feet, as well as squatting and being low to the ground, so it's a really great workout. I'll be going back on Thurs.

I had to be re-evaluated at PT because I was AWOL for like 2 months because I'm so freaking tired of being in therapy. He says I'm doing really well though, and I only have to come once/week now. Thank goodness.

Over the weekend, I went swimming with my boifrand because he's learning how to swim and has to practice outside of class. This weekend, we're gonna swim and go to the gym, because he wants to learn how to lift and stuff.

ALSO, I'm sooperjuiced because he might play rugby in the fall. I'm so fuckin excited. He'd be a perfect hooker, with his lil stocky self. He has a number of friends on the team at Smith (including Meesh's cousin who thinks she's the coolest person ever) and they're all really encouraging him to join the team.

So yeah, good things all around :D

Sprint to the finish!

It's the second to last week at Boyles! I'm really gonna miss it, but probably won't sign up again because it's expensive (although way cheaper than xfit gyms) and hard to fit in the schedule.

Monday 3/4
(the only day of the year that is a command. "March Forth!" - said the researcher testing my brain for 8 hrs yesterday)

10 min rolling + resistance band knee exercises
leg swings + lunges + sldl stretches 
dynamic warm up & calisthenics 
warmup circuit:
3 x 6 each single leg lateral hurdle jumps, stick the landing
2 x 5 each leg wall ball side throws with lateral jump back
2 x 5 each leg med ball overhead throws with step

3 x 3 cleans (100, 105, 110#)
2 x 10 dynamic in-line chop (30-32 R)
2 x 10 abs rolling on ball
3 x 6-10-6 trap bar deadlift (185x6, 185x10, 190x6)
3 x 4 pull-ups (3+1wHelp, 3+2wHelp, 1+1+1+1)
3 x 10-10-21 pushups
3 x 6 single leg squats (15#)
2 x 10 cable overhead pressout (18.5-19R)

slideboards: 30sec on, 15sec off

dinner and lunch today: love my mom!
Black bean cha sau pork, chinese cabbage w bokchoy w carrots, taro w  soybeans corn celery and five-spice tofu,  pickled da-tou-cai, avocado, oranges, mixed rice w sweet potatoes. I'm spoiled.